Doing a Fragment&Clen fat burning cycle, opinion please.


New member
I want to go on an intense fat burning cycle to reach single digit bf%. Before I really focus on a really lean bulk afterwards

What's your opinion on using HGH-fragment @500/day and clen @40-40-40-80-80-to the end of a two week period and using ketotifen at night to help with any down regulation
Taking 250 fragment and clen first thing in the morning and doing fasted cardio then another 250 fragment before working out at night plus cardio after weight lifting. I am around 12-13% what should I reasonably expect from such cycle? What could I add or focus on, or is there a better option?

It would be really nice also if someone had a detailed experience with the exact cycle especially the Fragment
172cm tall
73 KG
Around 12%bf
1600 calorie 50% protein, 30% fat, 20%carb mainly post workout