Dosage advice for 600mg grade trt and ugl grade


Well-known member
I'm on trt, 100mg week. Want to add another 500mg cypionate for a total of 600. Do you guys think I could keep doing my 100 in one shot then 3.5 days later take the whole 500 in one shot? Does this make a big difference in dosage of anastrozole? I have done the 500 in a split dose before and have the anastrozole dosage dialed in. Would this dosing schedule drastically change that? Right now I'm thinking it will and that I should split the dose. Curious about personal experiences.

The biggest reason for my question is that i want to keep the pharmacy cyp and the ugl cyp seperated. I have no problem splitting the doses up more .....just being lazy.
Thanks guys
Why don't you shelf the pharm grade cyp and just use the ugl for your blast? That doesn't make sense to pin 100mgs then do 500mgs.
Why don't you shelf the pharm grade cyp and just use the ugl for your blast? That doesn't make sense to pin 100mgs then do 500mgs.

I agree. I have done that in the past. I'm being silly I guess......just unsure of the potency of the ugl stuff. I can abandon this plan. Was just curious about the difference in dosage amounts. I know some guys do all their dose in one day if it's enanthate or cyp.

If no one gives me some personal experience on this dosing schedule then i will certainly just go with two equal doses. Thanks for the reply my man. And you're doesn't really make sense :)
I'm hung up on getting my pharm grade in the to make it easy, I'll draw .5ml from the pharm grade and 1ml from the 250 vial......then second shot 1ml of the 250 vial. So that makes a 350 shot and a 250 shot. Think that'll work? Guessing my anastrozole dose would be about the same as when I do 2 separate shots of 250?
Sorry for beating this to death. Lol
Probably start next month