hey there
u know i have received my first parcel of higher power M1T.. and i will be starting it from mid november ..cant start it now cuz at the moment muslim fasting month is going on and my routine has gone upside down because i m fasting from sunrise to sunset..but thats now my question......
what i wanna know is that when should i take it.. ?? i workout in the afternoons from 3.30 onwards...so suggest me ... shall i take it 30 mins after the last heavy meal prior to my work out.. i will be starting with 10 mg for 2 straight weeks...
and guyz i have earlier tried AST 250 diol (4andro)and i was really disappoitned with it.. i had no positive effect..not even negative effect..
is M1T which is unarguably the most famous prohormone ,any good? is it better than 250 diol??
in 8 days time mr.bush will become a former white house resident...
u know i have received my first parcel of higher power M1T.. and i will be starting it from mid november ..cant start it now cuz at the moment muslim fasting month is going on and my routine has gone upside down because i m fasting from sunrise to sunset..but thats now my question......
what i wanna know is that when should i take it.. ?? i workout in the afternoons from 3.30 onwards...so suggest me ... shall i take it 30 mins after the last heavy meal prior to my work out.. i will be starting with 10 mg for 2 straight weeks...
and guyz i have earlier tried AST 250 diol (4andro)and i was really disappoitned with it.. i had no positive effect..not even negative effect..
is M1T which is unarguably the most famous prohormone ,any good? is it better than 250 diol??
in 8 days time mr.bush will become a former white house resident...