Dosage split for capping Anavar


New member
I plan on capping some var very soon. Im plan on taking 50mg a day, so i was thinking i could just make them 25mg caps and take 2 a day. Should i be taking it more often? I really dont want to make then any smaller than 20mg's each because it harder to accurately dose them... If i do 20's i could take 3 a day for 60mg/day... :help:
detroit said:
I plan on capping some var very soon. Im plan on taking 50mg a day, so i was thinking i could just make them 25mg caps and take 2 a day. Should i be taking it more often? I really dont want to make then any smaller than 20mg's each because it harder to accurately dose them... If i do 20's i could take 3 a day for 60mg/day... :help:

why not just make it into a liquid. Much easier than capping, dosages are more accurate. One thing tho, isn't 50mg of Oxandro a little high?
RJH8541 said:
why not just make it into a liquid. Much easier than capping, dosages are more accurate. One thing tho, isn't 50mg of Oxandro a little high?

Dont worry about the dosages, i need to know how often to take the pills or liquid for that matter. 2x a day, 3x a day. I know for Dbol its good to take every 4hrs or so. This is the type of info im looking for...Thanks
Theres 2 ways to think about it. I had an interesting convo with some guys about dbol timing. If you have a nice base of injectables, there is something to be said about taking it all at once. In fact, if the dose is low enough...splitting it up throughout the day might be less productive than taking it once or twice a day. This is all concerning dbol though, and the only reason i bring it up is because it may apply to var as well. It depends what you want out of it.

Guess Ill bump this for ya for some personal experiences with splittin up var.
DougoeFre5h said:
Theres 2 ways to think about it. I had an interesting convo with some guys about dbol timing. If you have a nice base of injectables, there is something to be said about taking it all at once. In fact, if the dose is low enough...splitting it up throughout the day might be less productive than taking it once or twice a day. This is all concerning dbol though, and the only reason i bring it up is because it may apply to var as well. It depends what you want out of it.

Guess Ill bump this for ya for some personal experiences with splittin up var.

Yes i have read something on that too (Dbol), about loading up at specific times. Like an hour or so before lifting and right before bed. I guess to make this simpler, does anyone know the 1/2 life of Ox?? I could draw a conclusion from there. Thanks fella's...
detroit said:
Yes i have read something on that too (Dbol), about loading up at specific times. Like an hour or so before lifting and right before bed. I guess to make this simpler, does anyone know the 1/2 life of Ox?? I could draw a conclusion from there. Thanks fella's...

8-12 hours.
DougoeFre5h said:
Is that a pic of you busting nuts on her tits??? If so, your my nominee for best avatar ever.

after that's post-busted!!! And thanks.