Draining your blood on cycle?


So in permanently on test and I'm running 500mg a week for a couple
Months, and I had someone tell me I had to drain about 14 ounces every month. Is this true?
yes you should be donating blood on a regular basis (though donating once a month is not allowed, you have to wait at least 8 weeks last time I remember),, but you need to go to a doc and get your homatorcrit and RBC blood levels checked.. if they get too high you can end up with a stroke or other negative health issues.

note: if your RBC is already too high then you will not be allowed to donate blood and will have to be prescribed a phlebotomy (medical term for 'blood draining') by a doctor
on the other hand.. athletes take AAS to increase their RBC and provide more oxygen to the muscles which makes for better athletic performance .. getting rid of blood where RBC is raised to 'athletic performance' levels will negate to a degree any gain in performance. . if levels are high performance goes up, if levels are too high (its unhealthily) performance goes down.

I'm guessing your not taking AAS for sport and athletic performance,, so donating blood and getting rid of it without actually knowing your RBC does not really matter then.. getting rid of blood would defeat the purpose for raising RBC for performance gains .
I'd check your count first. You can get a simple hct blood test done at a lab and it's cheap. But Roush is right your red blood cells are prob high and you should give blood. I'm on trt. I blast n cruise and I give blood as often as I can. But once every two months.
I give
Blood every once in a while, I have to lie about being over seas so they do it though. Due to all my active duty tours in the Marine corps from 2008-2012