Drinking Testosterone

if your scared of needles you can always try squirting it all over your body and then flex in the mirror for a good hour.. get back to us with the results.. :scratchhe
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LMFAO!!!! i dont understand what is up with people and the thought of taking things up the ass.... a chick on the other hand maybe but. LMFAO
No I've drank it before in a different form and I saw unbelievable results. I am not scared of needles.
BS dude what I have is far different than what you have. How is your liver still alive with 150mg a day? I could drink what I have all day and my liver would be healthier than the average Joe's.
BS dude what I have is far different than what you have. How is your liver still alive with 150mg a day? I could drink what I have all day and my liver would be healthier than the average Joe's.

??? I am not sure where you surmised I am using any oral based androgens, but my cycle is right in my signature.

As for alteration on the 17th carbon other than differences in electron orbital hybridization this remains the only viable method to allow first pass through the liver. I explained the process fairly thoroughly in a previous post I copied out the relevant information for you here.

As you are probably aware the Systematic (IUPAC) name for methandrostenolone is

While the chemical formula remains the same:


Of primary importance is the process utilized to make methandrostenolone c17 alpha alkylated. Thus the 17th carbon molecule is altered to allow first pass through the liver. Now of course carbon bonds are covalent. Further more carbon bonds can have alkenes or double bonds, or alkynes which are triple bonds.

An sp2 hybridized orbital and a p-orbital that is inert with regards to the hybridization are what is used to from a double bond. Conversely an sp hybridized orbital and two p-orbitals are used for a triple bond from each atom. Thus the use of the p-orbitals to form a pi bond is basic logic.

Now that the basic explanations are covered lets dive a little deeper. This is where it gets tricky due to catenation (Thank god this usually is only used with carbon). The alteration of the c17 has differing effects. In some cases it comes out tertiary. The original formula introduced by John Ziegler was of course quartenary. Now this differentiation causes changes in the p-orbitals and sometimes engages previously inert p-orbitals to take a part in hybridization. Thus causing metandienone.