Waseem Malik
New member
Hi juice bros.
i'm 25 and have done two cycles testosterone e only 500mg for 12 weeks and an year later test e 500mg and dbol for 4 weeks...for 2nd cycle i did clomid 100/50/50/50 and nolva 20/10/10/10+aromasin .25mg for like 3+ weeks ....but after pct i felt worse and started to lose my gains and wasnt much interested in gym and diet anymore i asked for advice to few friends and they said its high estrogen i took aromasin for like 2 more weeks at .25mg and it became worse...i finally decided to have my blood work tested and it was other thing around my 2e was crashed i value <5 while the normal range starts from 7....i know i have been a noob and did it al wrong by not doing blood work right after pct (2-3 weeks post pct)...i was told to wait till e2 comes back its been over an year but its still shut down...i would like to know what can be done to restore my e2...please ignore my english as its not my first language...thanks
i'm 25 and have done two cycles testosterone e only 500mg for 12 weeks and an year later test e 500mg and dbol for 4 weeks...for 2nd cycle i did clomid 100/50/50/50 and nolva 20/10/10/10+aromasin .25mg for like 3+ weeks ....but after pct i felt worse and started to lose my gains and wasnt much interested in gym and diet anymore i asked for advice to few friends and they said its high estrogen i took aromasin for like 2 more weeks at .25mg and it became worse...i finally decided to have my blood work tested and it was other thing around my 2e was crashed i value <5 while the normal range starts from 7....i know i have been a noob and did it al wrong by not doing blood work right after pct (2-3 weeks post pct)...i was told to wait till e2 comes back its been over an year but its still shut down...i would like to know what can be done to restore my e2...please ignore my english as its not my first language...thanks