eating before bed


full contact fighter
i get hungry around bedtime. is there anything i can eat to fill me up which will have a positive impact?
nahhh...if your carb consious then get cassien/egg blend of protein powder in water...if funds limit your supplement splurging then fat free milk and whey will have to do. When im bulking i love to take muscle milk b4 i get home from the gym at 11 at night so im still trying to get my body anabolic again.
my last meal is usually some steak, cottage cheese, broccoli, and a salad with a little olive oil dressing.
pretty much any kind of meat, eggs, cottage cheese, whatever.
Whole foods are almost always better then supplements. I eat alot of cottage cheese and meats before bed. I'm still about 11-12% bf and 250lbs
U gotta keep the cals up to get big. If u train hard and eat a clean diet, u really don't need to stress over a few extra cals before bed. Just get your cals in so u can grow
i dont just tastes soo damned bad...lumpy and gross! i eat nasty stuff all day, but this tops the cake for me.