eating habbits


New member
hey guys, just need some input on eating, i am 5'9 currently on a dbol,enth,tren cycle. i am up 205lbs as of last night and i am preety lean, my guess is in the 11% bf range. Now i am trying to get either a meal of a shake in every 2 1/2 hours. seems to be working for me adding weight but is there anything u guys can help add mass when its hard to do so...
weight gainer? add pastuerized eggwhites to your shakes? tuna in the bag?

any of those make it easy
yea i started some weight gainer, i try to eat a tin a tuna everyday, i am not a set weight but i just wanna make sure i am eating enough to support what i have now, i have never weighed this much b4,

how many calories should i be takeing in a day?
eat, eat and then eat some more bro. try and stay away from the shit food though. train like a motherfucker

drink a ton of water and one of the most important things to growing is sleep brother. get lots of sleep
house1 said:
eat, eat and then eat some more bro. try and stay away from the shit food though. train like a motherfucker

drink a ton of water and one of the most important things to growing is sleep brother. get lots of sleep

Good advice. Don't worry about the lean part now. Eat large but clean. I was also getting protein in every two to three hours. Works well.
house1 said:
eat, eat and then eat some more bro. try and stay away from the shit food though. train like a motherfucker

drink a ton of water and one of the most important things to growing is sleep brother. get lots of sleep
food is the most anabolic thing that we take
Don't drink anything that doesn't have calories in it. I suggest Iced Tea. 90 cals per cup and it goes down like water, so it won't fill you up.

Keep a jar of mayonnaise in your pocket, and put it on everything.

Keep candy bars and peanuts in your car, and snack on them when you're driving.

Pick a fast food place near you. Every time you pass by it, stop there and order something.

Keep a tall glass of Iced Tea and some snacks next to your bed, and eat/drink a little each time you wake up at night.
man Slobberknocker loves his Iced Tea.

im going through the same thing man.. i have decided to just eat EVERYTHING.. Pizza, burritos, cheeseburgers, anything i can eat it has to be digested and i am always hungry. i guess we will see where it takes me.
thans guys, that is what i am doing, if i wake up during the night i go eat some yougert and stuff. so yea, i will keep doing what i am doing, i'll go get more snacky stuff too!, i am still gaining so things are cool..