Eating Schedule While Working Rotating Shifts


New member
I have a shitty schedule of working rotating 8's. Does anyone have any good suggestions on how to eat during my schedule. I work 2 weeks of days followed by a week of afternoons and then close it out with a week of nights.

*I should add that I am trying to cut some belly fat.
My work schedule???

I work Monday-Friday 6am-2pm...weekend off
I work Tuesday-Sunday 6am-2pm...Monday, Tuesday off
I work Wednesday-Tuesday 2pm-10pm...Wednesday off
I work Thursday-Wednesday 10pm-6am

I find that with my eating habits now I usually eat one big meal once a day with 1 or 2 smaller meals during the day. I find it a lot easier to eat right when I am on days but when I switch to afternoons and I am not getting up till around 10am its kinda hard to start the day off how I normally do. Same thing when I am working nights, I will go to bed right when I get home around 630 and sleep till about 11 and then go back to bed again around 7pm for a nap before work.

I was just wondering if anyone else had to deal with hours like these and what they do to get thru it.