ECA or Clen?


New member
Im already hitting cardio but Im looking to speed up the movement of unwanted BF and have come to the decision of these two methods. In your opinions whats the best to one to take, and what dosage?

One more thing Ive heard of some guys running clen for 2 weeks then running ECA for 2 is this worth it or is there risks that out weigh the results?
I would definetly start w/the ECA first. I've had great results on it. When I do it, I usually run it 4-6 weeks on then 2 weeks off then 4-6 weeks on. I seem to have bette fat loss during the second 4-6 week period. If you don't like it, then go to the Clen/ECA. If your on cycle, T3 works great w/no sides like clen has.
Cheers for feedback, Cant seem to get my hands on t3 theres only t4 round these parts and I dont really wanna play with that coz I dont know much about it.
Is there a good online website to buy Ephedra or Ephedrine? There's a lot of sites saying they do just curious if someone knows of one that is legitimate?
Just get it at your local walgreen or pharmacy. It's under Bronkaid. Just ask the tech or cashier behind the counter. It's still OTC.
I think Clen is wonderful. It definitely did its job. Of course, it would knock me on my ass somedays. But that's all part of the fun.
I started the EC part of the ECA Stack yesterday and noticed two things right away:

(1) The Bronkaid seems to make my throat a bit scratchy...will that subside as my body gets used to it or is that something you have to deal with?
(2) My Knee...which has some inflammation anyway...seems to be hurting a lot more when I'm taking this stack. Is there a relationship between the two?
greygoose882 said:
(2) My Knee...which has some inflammation anyway...seems to be hurting a lot more when I'm taking this stack. Is there a relationship between the two?
I can only asume the asprin (which is known to thin the blood) in the ECA stack has helped reduce the swelling in your knee the body causes swelling to protect damaged areas, without swelling your body is open to more site injury.
The reason for it happening so fast would be due to the E-C in the stack causing your blood to pump faster, speeding up the whole process.

This is just a asumption and by no means has any medical studies to back it up (That I'm aware of) so dont quote me on it, just make seems to make sense thats all.