Ectomorph diet plan & ratio when on gear?!


New member
Okay, so I have tried running this through the search button and is failing to answer me sadly. So im putting it to you guys in some hope of help!

I will be looking at starting a cycle with test e, deca & dbol in a month or so (waiting to have an op first :nonono2:)

So what I am trying to research is where I can find the best method/calculator of working out my maintenance kcal intake. Then from there obviously I need to find what I need to add per day on top of that, now I know most people say add 200-300 more for your exercise and add 500 for the bulking need, so on a training day add 700-800 more.

Now what I want to ask is.
1# do I need to add more onto for bulking for being an ectomorph body type?
2# How much more should I be adding considering the fact I will be on steroids and need to be eating like a hourse!
3 lastly I would like to know of how to split my total kcal intake up as a ration. Would I be looking at:
- 60/20/20 (carbs/protein/fats) being an ecto and not to burn any protein energy or
- 40/40/20 (carbs/protein/fats) to ensure I get enough protein.

Im currently 74 kgs
12% bf
5ft 10
train 5-6 days per week
work in office & drive

Obviously I understand the general rule of thumb is to get at least 1g of protein of lbs and better to 1.5g per lbs.

Appreciate your comments and help if possible, looking forward to your answers.

Cheers :afro:
folowing your thread , you have the same stats as me , well im 1% leaner , and im running a cyle in a short time too , test cyp 12w. and tbol 5w.
folowing your thread , you have the same stats as me , well im 1% leaner , and im running a cyle in a short time too , test cyp 12w. and tbol 5w.

Do you have an ecto body type also, im just after some info for the base of my ratio of being an ecto and on gear as to what I should be going for really, tried searching but nothing came up :-S

is that you in your avi? is this your first cycle?

Well this will be my 1st cycle with pins. 1st cycle I did was oral only with dinabol and Winstrol (winny), went well. But after reading much more on I see that having test pins is a lot more productive if followed along with the right training regime. So trying to get all my homework done 1st, cheers