SemperFi 0321
New member
I just started a high protein/high calorie diet about a week ago. What effects will this have on my body as far as bodily functions go? I am also busting ass in the gym for 1-1/2 hours, so I know that my body is using alot of it. Specifically, though, I have noticed a decrease in how much I have to "get rid of".......crap........ Don't know how else to put that. I would think that I would have more to get rid of, but maybe you guys can enlighten me on why I may have less, even with more intake. I know its a disgusting subject, but I'm really curious, and kind of worried. Should I see my doctor? I will be starting my first cycle with gear in a couple of months, and I want to make sure that I get the diet down, and am completely healthy before I start. Any advice?