Effects of high protein diet on the body?

SemperFi 0321

New member
I just started a high protein/high calorie diet about a week ago. What effects will this have on my body as far as bodily functions go? I am also busting ass in the gym for 1-1/2 hours, so I know that my body is using alot of it. Specifically, though, I have noticed a decrease in how much I have to "get rid of".......crap........ Don't know how else to put that. I would think that I would have more to get rid of, but maybe you guys can enlighten me on why I may have less, even with more intake. I know its a disgusting subject, but I'm really curious, and kind of worried. Should I see my doctor? I will be starting my first cycle with gear in a couple of months, and I want to make sure that I get the diet down, and am completely healthy before I start. Any advice?
Unless your having pains or other unusual things then I would not see your doctor. You will notice more frequent bowel movements with an increase in protien IF your not using it. Thats how you balance out what you need to take in. Does that help?
This once happened to me when I took most of the carbs out of my diet and I was in a hell of a lot of pain when I came off the diet, the best possible advice when doing a high protein diet is to take a fibre supplement, I did this the last time I dieed and was fine.
I am on the CKD and it is extreamly low carbs, ( only 2os of carbs a day ) and I have had the same problem of not being regular with the bowel movements since low carbs means very low fiber, but I'm now takind sugar-free metamucil fiber supplement and it is getting better. Keep up with the high protein until you start having cramps and then back off a little till it feels better and that is where you should be.
budrau said:
I am on the CKD and it is extreamly low carbs, ( only 2os of carbs a day ) and I have had the same problem of not being regular with the bowel movements since low carbs means very low fiber, but I'm now takind sugar-free metamucil fiber supplement and it is getting better. Keep up with the high protein until you start having cramps and then back off a little till it feels better and that is where you should be.

What is your fat intake like? That could possibly be at the root of your bowel movement problems.