Elevated liver enzymes and kidney function down.....


I am banned!
Hey brothers, just got bloodwork back and liver enzymes were 150 were 40 is normal and kidneys werent up to where levels should be. Ive been of my last cycle for about 3months which was Test,Tren and Deca ive been cycling for over 10yrs. Ive never had these problems,usually my cholesterol is high but that is it. I only cycled my test up to 800mgs before pyramiding down, my tren blend only went to 300mgs and deca 400mgs. Doc wants me to come of my Hyde and protein shakes and to cut down on my caffeine.Any advise would be much appreciated. Thanks JT
How many times have you gotten blood work right after a cycle? Tren is notorious for causing liver and kidney stress. UDCA is probably your best bet to get your liver under control, then get on NAC, and stay on it at 500-600mg ED. I don't know of any non prescription methods for helping with kidneys other than drinking lots of water and giving them time.

Best of luck! :)
Those Kidney Function numbers can be artificially low due to the amount of muscle mass you are carrying. That along with dehydration can cause a low reading. Ask your doctor to factor in muscle mass...I am pretty sure they have formula that corrects for this.
ive heard mixed things about 19-nors and liver toxicity... some will say tren and deca have very little affect on the liver.. i actually got chewed out by a couple of guys for saying 19-nors are hepatoxic.. it was funny lol
ive heard mixed things about 19-nors and liver toxicity... some will say tren and deca have very little affect on the liver.. i actually got chewed out by a couple of guys for saying 19-nors are hepatoxic.. it was funny lol

Nandrolone isn't liver toxic as seen here. Tren is a little trickier, but this says it most certainly is. The second study talks more about cholesterol issues messing with the liver, but bilirubin is most certainly a marker used to determine liver distress.

I honestly don't want to acknowledge it, but it's entirely possible that trenbolone is partly responsible for me getting gallstones and having my gallbladder removed. Coincidence that I was on tren when I developed pancreatitis? Maybe. But something I can't fully ignore.
How many times have you gotten blood work right after a cycle? Tren is notorious for causing liver and kidney stress. UDCA is probably your best bet to get your liver under control, then get on NAC, and stay on it at 500-600mg ED. I don't know of any non prescription methods for helping with kidneys other than drinking lots of water and giving them time.

Best of luck! :)

wouldn't TUDCA be better since its basically the same thing only OTC? Or am i missing something?
wouldn't TUDCA be better since its basically the same thing only OTC? Or am i missing something?

I've honestly never compared the two. I prefer to stick with what has worked for me in the past, and I know many places carry the UDCA. If someone else has experience with both, I'm sure they can chime in. I'm a little hesitant to use OTC replacements for existing drugs as they aren't usually what they claim to be - but this may not be the case.