Emptying syringe completly?


New member
Hi all.

I´m currently running tren a 30 mg ed.
Been doing it for a week now, but it always bothers me to see some drops of precious tren being waisted each time due to some oil being stuck in the syringe.
At this low dosage ED, there is always a relatively high a mount that gets left behind.

Any of you have an idea how to solve this?

All advice's will be greatly appreciated.
You can leave a little air in the syringe to help push it all out, just make sure you aspirate. I always put a line or 2 extra gear in the syringe to make sure I get the full dose
The day I worry about a few drops left behind, I hope someone pushes me off a cliff. 30 mg? LOL. I could shoot that in my pinky finger.
The day I worry about a few drops left behind, I hope someone pushes me off a cliff. 30 mg? LOL. I could shoot that in my pinky finger.

I only started with 210 mg per week to see how i handle the sides.
I´m bumping it to 350 mg a week from tomorrow since i´m not noticing any sides to talk about, slightly more edgy, but that´s it.
Anyway, thanks for the replies guys :)