

New member
I just heard about this supplement Endothil-CR by Novex Biotech. They say it is used to rebuild traumatized muscle and is gaining popularity among body builders and other athletes. They also claim this may be just as good, if not better than real steroids. Has anybody ever tried this stuff? If so, how well did it work?
The next M1t

Heard of this stuff just recently and seems to have created quite the buzz. Havent tried it yet... just waiting to hear some testimonials. Or some input from someone with a little knowledge on the subject.
yea i read about it too. The article said outa the ppl that didnt use the placebo, the ones that actually used the product their bench went up, and their leg press went up around 30-40lbs in one month. and the only part of their body that grew was their biceps. I thought that was weird that most of the test subjects biceps grew and that was it.