Entourage hormones trt clinic!!!


New member
We would like to express our greatest gratitude for taking the time to check us out. Here at Entourage we strive to give clients the most comprehensive and reliable service possible.

Why should you choose us? Here are a few key points that we feel make us a great choice..

*We are the most affordable in the country
*We offer Deca for prescription
*We include HCG with all treatment plans
*24/7 access to your provider
*Effortless monthly meetings with provider (via phone or computer)
*Most knowledgable in the industry-providers well versed in AAS
*Highest patient satisfaction scores and highly reviewed (hundreds of 5 star google reviews)

We are here to help you live a happier healthier life.

Contact us today or visit the website for more info and to get signed up.

Thanks for having us!!

My team and I look forward to assisting the members of this board with their TRT and medical needs. We are well versed in the TRT aspect of bodybuilding and for over all health. We cater to individuals who need our services (which is a high majority)!! Most do not know they suffer from Low T and it can drastically improve your quality of life! it has for me!


we are running a current special for members at 99$/month all inclusive including provider visits,
test cyp 200mg/week
HCG 250-500iu weekly
Arimidex 1 gram weekly

Do not hesitate to reach out to any of my reps or myself! Hope to be of assistance!

Dr B
Thanks for having us!!

My team and I look forward to assisting the members of this board with their TRT and medical needs. We are well versed in the TRT aspect of bodybuilding and for over all health. We cater to individuals who need our services (which is a high majority)!! Most do not know they suffer from Low T and it can drastically improve your quality of life! it has for me!


we are running a current special for members at 99$/month all inclusive including provider visits,
test cyp 200mg/week
HCG 250-500iu weekly
Arimidex 1 gram weekly

Do not hesitate to reach out to any of my reps or myself! Hope to be of assistance!

Dr B

You give 1 gram of arimidex weekly with just 200mg of testosterone??? It will crash e2 for sure (at least on me)
Welcome to the site, i'm sure you all will do very well here in helping those with low T!

yes sir, they are bombarded with clients coming out of their ears, that's how good doc is, doc is a nice dude, I have talked to him already over the phone.
I can't believe the cheap prices seriously ...
helping others is what he really is focus on great man I tell ya
Hey Entourage good that we have you on board, ha we talked PM remember :insane: :laugh3:

You know when my day comes I will probably check you out. However my last natty Test level 3-4 years ago at 62-63 yrs was 660 ng/dL
Pretty cool don't ya think. Lucky. But I wonder what is now, natty , clean ?

Truth be told now at 66yrs and have been on c***se and blast for so long I wonder how Gear still works on me with levels usually >9,000 ng/dL the last lowest I've seen was 2,434 ng/dL

I'm doing low Test E 250mgs and I feel great except fore all my aches and pains and partial rotary tear , osteoarthritis, bursitis and L2 - l5 protruding I still go at it hard. It keeps me young.

So great to have you I think some of these guys have found where to go for a knowledgeable Doctor.

Good luck, OMM
Just want to let anyone know that's interested this place is the real deal. Prices can't be beat. I started the process with them a week ago and today my doorbell rings and my meds were delivered. Have no idea how on a Sunday but I'm pleased to say the least.

Will start tomorrow but just wanted to share. Thanks again Entourage Medical

Gotta agree with mr p. Doc is a real nice guy and easy to talk with.