EP line Teste testcyp and deca PSL . Cycle just started! : P


figured Id help the EP line with a thread with a couple pics and ill toss in a few updates through the cycle since he asked if i minded and I am very excited to start up my cycle since I havnt been on a nice cycle in a while due to medical issue (long story).

This was not gear for a thread and i owe PSL nothing and this will be honest feedback, this order was actually to sort out an old issue in past that I had (happened to have issue with 2 UGLs this year, but only one actually cared and that was PSL and that was the one that was actually the minor less concerning issue and the other I wont go there but im done with them...)

anyways freak faulty top issue i can forgive, shit happens and since communication has been great and I got a couple extra bottles + asked if i minded, I want to post up some pics and a few updates. : )
maybe in spring/summer if this goes well Ill have a full sponsored cutting cycle log if PSL is interested still.
regardless, if its shit Ill say so (in a nicer way) and inform exactly what i think ,within the boundaries of reasonable of course.
I have high expectations and have been assured I will be happy with this batch so I just pinned 2ml teste +0.7ml deca into glute and 1.5ml test into quad and it went smoothly! (i prefer 1x week with these esters but do norm rec 2x a week, i dont like pinning soo..)

I have been pinning HG for just over 6months (hrt) since i had the major issue with the other UGL that left me unable to use their stuff for hrt and I had/have alot of stocked up hg omna and teste. i had forgotten just how thick Pharma test oil is!
like 2-3x more thick than EP oil! i did both shots of EP in the same time as one would take and with less hassle. its still the same day but sofar no pip. :)

this is not really a log and is more just a photo thread with a some updates to keep it simple since I get busy at times, i wont be updating this daily. but the basics every week or two i will add feedback and If i get a question ill try to help too.

I will be doing about 850mg teste ew and 150-200mg deca ew (low dose i like for my back issues) from EP line and I will be using Dex and/or letro from RUI for estro control.
I MIGHT add an oral, i have soomany tucked away, but i avoid orals now generally so we will see, for now just the test cycle with a little deca.
you DO NOT NEED MUCH GEAR or 10 compounds for gains! its DIET and training!!
i see people posting cycles of 4 or 5 compounds and its just silly IMO... 500mg-1g ew and im happy and its been the case for years, people over do it a bit now I feel.

here is the pic of my lovelies:
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Very nice set up, please keep us updated, I bookmarked this page to see how it goes, love me some Psl gear too!
Sweet those are gtg love some Psl gear
I cant WAIT for it to kick. already feel pump but i was on higher end hrt before it, gotta wait couple more weeks to say more : P

you gonna be raging with the test and that cia man. How u gonna use the cia??
hahahaha Yeah the CIA is great. i plan to just take it for the heck of it at special times ;) lol
i dont get BP issues but if it did go up ill prob take 3-5mg eod if anything.

Very nice set up, please keep us updated, I bookmarked this page to see how it goes, love me some Psl gear too!
awesome, will do!

Nice! PSL and RUI combo for the win!

yep! nothing but good from them and they are site sponsors so its a win win to help others judge sponsors and bulk while i do it!

very VERY mild pip next day. i could tell i took somethng but its nothing to complain about and less pip than my omnadren. specially the quad shot, which can be a little rough at times.
so far so good. looking forward to the comming weeks.

I have decided to use some EP dbol I have from about a year or 2 ago along with some var.
30-40mg dbol and 20mg var ed for about 6 weeks
I know it will seem like an odd combo, but its actually a good one. the anabolic properties of var mixed with the dbol are great. might bump var to 40mg ed , but i think i will stick with the 20mg ed + dbol. strength gains and pumps are CRAZY with this combo when i tried it in past and still = to 50-60mg total oral dose so its not bad to combine when in a slightly lower dose of each IMO.
I know most havent tried it since var is used more often for cutting and its expensive, but i have both and wanted to do it again.
will update on that soon too.
That combo is very nice! And I can't imagine the pumps from dbol and ep var together!!! Subbed! Ep for the win! That is some crystal clear gear!
I always cut my pharmacy test with some PSL deca to make it MUCH easier to pin. Yes, pharmacy grade is almost a syrup!
That combo is very nice! And I can't imagine the pumps from dbol and ep var together!!! Subbed! Ep for the win! That is some crystal clear gear!
yeah less than a week with oral and about a week with inject and pumps are already coming. (was already on higher end hrt dose couple weeks before start of actual cycle)
the var isnt EP, but still the combo should be great again.
I always cut my pharmacy test with some PSL deca to make it MUCH easier to pin. Yes, pharmacy grade is almost a syrup!
yeah hg is pretty thick, atleast what i have used and iv lost count of them by now. i got some Italian teste (sux its 100mg/ml) and thick ill likely add 0.5ml to it to thin it a bit, when back on hrt with hg or i run out of EP test if using that for my hrt after cycle.
I'm assuming your using 23g to pin with?
I like 23g and 25g, 25g is tough with thick gear but works. i always use 22-23g to draw though.
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Took my second round of pins yesterday and it went smoothly, today minimal pip, barely noticeable.
only pain is my muscle ... I feel all broken from the last couple workouts haha

I have decided to back off the orals, as usual my hunger is non existent and I get periods of stomach upset with orals....
It sort of piss's me off... but eating is the MAIN part of bulking and its enough of a task to get food in without hunger issues so I havent taken them the last couple days and if not on workout days I will likely just not use them anymore.
I may in summer since food intake will be cut down.
was just starting to see that pop and pump but its ok, the test/deca is taking over now anyways and I feel that its help is now showing in workouts.

next pin is today. still doing 2 shots of 2mltest/0.5mldeca and 1.5ml test and pip is minimal.
we will see how the pumps are this week after dropping the orals.
I may add in a bottle of igf1 i have from RUI since i dropped the orals :, (
figured Id help the EP line with a thread with a couple pics and ill toss in a few updates through the cycle since he asked if i minded and I am very excited to start up my cycle since I havnt been on a nice cycle in a while due to medical issue (long story).

This was not gear for a thread and i owe PSL nothing and this will be honest feedback, this order was actually to sort out an old issue in past that I had (happened to have issue with 2 UGLs this year, but only one actually cared and that was PSL and that was the one that was actually the minor less concerning issue and the other I wont go there but im done with them...)

anyways freak faulty top issue i can forgive, shit happens and since communication has been great and I got a couple extra bottles + asked if i minded, I want to post up some pics and a few updates. : )
maybe in spring/summer if this goes well Ill have a full sponsored cutting cycle log if PSL is interested still.
regardless, if its shit Ill say so (in a nicer way) and inform exactly what i think ,within the boundaries of reasonable of course.
I have high expectations and have been assured I will be happy with this batch so I just pinned 2ml teste +0.7ml deca into glute and 1.5ml test into quad and it went smoothly! (i prefer 1x week with these esters but do norm rec 2x a week, i dont like pinning soo..)

I have been pinning HG for just over 6months (hrt) since i had the major issue with the other UGL that left me unable to use their stuff for hrt and I had/have alot of stocked up hg omna and teste. i had forgotten just how thick Pharma test oil is!
like 2-3x more thick than EP oil! i did both shots of EP in the same time as one would take and with less hassle. its still the same day but sofar no pip. :)

this is not really a log and is more just a photo thread with a some updates to keep it simple since I get busy at times, i wont be updating this daily. but the basics every week or two i will add feedback and If i get a question ill try to help too.

I will be doing about 850mg teste ew and 150-200mg deca ew (low dose i like for my back issues) from EP line and I will be using Dex and/or letro from RUI for estro control.
I MIGHT add an oral, i have soomany tucked away, but i avoid orals now generally so we will see, for now just the test cycle with a little deca.
you DO NOT NEED MUCH GEAR or 10 compounds for gains! its DIET and training!!
i see people posting cycles of 4 or 5 compounds and its just silly IMO... 500mg-1g ew and im happy and its been the case for years, people over do it a bit now I feel.

here is the pic of my lovelies:
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That is some crystal clear looking gear! And it's as smooth s it looks! Ep line is silky smooth ,
And Rui is always a nice touch ! Absolutely love there products! Never let me down!
Please keep us updated with this cycle! would like to see your results and how you progress! Thanks
That is some crystal clear looking gear! And it's as smooth s it looks! Ep line is silky smooth ,
And Rui is always a nice touch ! Absolutely love there products! Never let me down!
Please keep us updated with this cycle! would like to see your results and how you progress! Thanks
There oil is the shot super clear and clean never had one vial cash and I never got any pip and I have used 90% of there product list. They make a very special product.
muscles are fuller, pump is up. Im all broken from a chest workout the other day. libido ( although always high) is a bit up. i upped my ai dose slightly last week and found my sweet spot ( i felt i was a little overly puffy and am using a little more test than i normally do), puffiness is minimal but noticeable but hey im on cycle bulking, so diet alone can do this.

getting stronger, looking forward to the following weeks.

so far no complaints. :)

curios about the high mg/ml bottles they have now.
anyone used the test 400?
Always nice to,be able to,dial in on your ai! Makes things much easier!
Glad to,see your getting stronger, and I'm also,looking forward to,the com I no weeks of this log!
Gains are coming in great, fullness is great and the pumps are awesome. slight bloat in the face even with the AI dialed down, but minimal and expected since using a higher amount of test than norm ( and deff dont rec to people new to this).

even just the low dose of deca seems to b helping joints and back (specially since lifting heavy)

all and all I am pretty happy and have a few more weeks or so left at these doses, then lowering to hrt amount and may do a small oral run while triming up but have not dicided, I am with minimal fat put on and eat pretty clean , but i have some 4yr old winny ( not a fan of winny) and may do 4 weeks of it with hrt dose EP test and same dose of deca before going back fully to just hrt test.
lifts are up and the test seems on point.

will update soon.