EP line Teste testcyp and deca PSL . Cycle just started! : P

Gains are coming in great, fullness is great and the pumps are awesome. slight bloat in the face even with the AI dialed down, but minimal and expected since using a higher amount of test than norm ( and deff dont rec to people new to this).

even just the low dose of deca seems to b helping joints and back (specially since lifting heavy)

all and all I am pretty happy and have a few more weeks or so left at these doses, then lowering to hrt amount and may do a small oral run while triming up but have not dicided, I am with minimal fat put on and eat pretty clean , but i have some 4yr old winny ( not a fan of winny) and may do 4 weeks of it with hrt dose EP test and same dose of deca before going back fully to just hrt test.
lifts are up and the test seems on point.

will update soon.

Thanks for the update brother!
pumps are a little painful now, but still feel good to me. this week I lowered my dose to 600mg test ew. not due to pumps but ill be focusing a bit more on conditioning for the next month and dont need as much test, also at 750mg or more of test ew i tend to start to feel a bit sluggish after about 3 months and thats not helpful with training and iv started to notice is a bit as of late.
im going to focus on heavy bulking again in late fall, till then some lean gains and conditioning will be main focus.
I had some health issues the last year and training was limited, but iv come back to where I was so i cant complain. very happy with results all things considered.

ill toss up a couple updates here and there tough on the cyp, i have 2 btls left and just finished the teste.
all in all a good run.
no complaints thus far.

i may be trying a local lab next or the ep line, ill update when i figure it out : )

time to enjoy summer! : )
all in all a good run.
no complaints thus far.

i may be trying a local lab next or the ep line, ill update when i figure it out : )

time to enjoy summer! : )

Nice pork chop! Glad things well well for you! Looking forward to what you have instore for the near future