This was a 6 week Epi-Strong/RS Transderm Cycle I did earlier this year...
1-8 RS-Transaderm (5 pumps ED am/after shower) test base for cycle
1-4 Liver Fix (2 caps am/pm) Extra Liver protection, then start N2 Guard!
1-12 Anabeta (4 caps daily, spread throughout)
3-8 Epi-Strong (45/45/45/60/60/60)
3-8 N2Guard (5-7 caps ED)
3-10 HCGenerate ( 5 caps ED, 3 morn/2 bed)
9-16 N2 Slin (4 caps ED spread throughout day 30 min prior to meals)
9-12 Torem (90/60/60/30 mg)
9-12 Post-Cycle (1 cap 3X ED)
9-12 Unleashed (1 cap 3X ED)
8-14 Forma-Stanzol (5 pumps am/pm 1st 4 weeks, 3 pumps am/pm last 2 weeks)
9-12 Powerchews D-test (3 grams ED/4 chews)
12-??? Bridge (1 cap 3X ED)
This is just to give you an idea of On-cycle supplements and PCT, I chose NTBM products due to I know they are legit and they work for me. You can check all over for cycle support supplements, but I went with N2 Guard and liked them.
Anyway this was mainly to show the dosages, cycle length, and support supps and PCT.
Good luck with your cycle...mine was fun!