Epistane is NOT MILD!


New member
Hey everyone, i just finished a cycle of Epistane and here are the results...
Original plan: 30/40/40/50/50/50
I stopped after week 4 so my cycle was 30/40/40/40.
I used LGI Epi-10

168 lbs
12% BF
185 lbs
13% BF

My diet was very clean, with very low sodium and fats, high in complex carbs and protein. Even with my diet in check, i experienced insane bloat. After the first week of being on Epistane i put on 10 lbs...yes, 10 lbs. From there on i started to look puffy and bloated throughout the cycle. It was very obvious that most of the weight gain was intracellular water. I was VERY disappointed with the results.

Side Effects:
MAJOR shutdown after the first week. I experienced incredible lethargy to the point where i couldn't workout. My balls shrunk, and by week 3 my nips got puffy. My libido hit rock bottom, i stopped masturbating, and my stomach felt bloated 24/7.

Strength: I had very impressive strength gains, my DB bench press went from 130 lb for 4 reps to 160 lb for 4 reps. My preacher curl went from 45 lb to 60 lb. My DB lateral raises went from 15 lb to 20-25 lb. So i was very satisfied with the strength department; HOWEVER, most of the days on cycle i couldnt workout due to lethargy, but when i did workout i had tremendous strength.


HDL: 10 (LOW) reference range: >39
Triglycerides: 171 (HIGH) reference range: 0-149
LH: 0.639 (LOW) reference range: 1.5-9
Testosterone: 75 ng/dl (VERY LOW) reference range: 348-1197
My liver values were perfect because i took ALA, NAC, and a special bioavailable form of milk thistle bound to phosphatydlcholine

My post cycle therapy (pct) was Clomid 50/50/25/25 and Aromasin 12.5/12.5/12.5/12.5 (to prevent rebound gyno). Clomid and aromasin suck, my libido was pretty fn low during cycle and clomid completely destroyed my libido, i had absolutely no desire to masturbate, or **** women. My balls were very small as well. Also, my facial hair stopped growing on cycle (due to a lack of testosterone and DHT in my system). I am happy to say that now I am taking Tongkat Ali 1:200 extract from Sumatra Pasak Bumi and HCGenerate and my libido is back, my balls are large again, my skin is oily, and my facial hair is full again.

There you have it guys, the damage that Epistane can do to you!
better off takin real juice. But I hear with the prohormone route, ppl take Dhea as a test base.
Hey everyone, i just finished a cycle of Epistane and here are the results...
Original plan: 30/40/40/50/50/50
I stopped after week 4 so my cycle was 30/40/40/40.
I used LGI Epi-10

168 lbs
12% BF
185 lbs
13% BF

My diet was very clean, with very low sodium and fats, high in complex carbs and protein. Even with my diet in check, i experienced insane bloat. After the first week of being on Epistane i put on 10 lbs...yes, 10 lbs. From there on i started to look puffy and bloated throughout the cycle. It was very obvious that most of the weight gain was intracellular water. I was VERY disappointed with the results.

Side Effects:
MAJOR shutdown after the first week. I experienced incredible lethargy to the point where i couldn't workout. My balls shrunk, and by week 3 my nips got puffy. My libido hit rock bottom, i stopped masturbating, and my stomach felt bloated 24/7.

Strength: I had very impressive strength gains, my DB bench press went from 130 lb for 4 reps to 160 lb for 4 reps. My preacher curl went from 45 lb to 60 lb. My DB lateral raises went from 15 lb to 20-25 lb. So i was very satisfied with the strength department; HOWEVER, most of the days on cycle i couldnt workout due to lethargy, but when i did workout i had tremendous strength.


HDL: 10 (LOW) reference range: >39
Triglycerides: 171 (HIGH) reference range: 0-149
LH: 0.639 (LOW) reference range: 1.5-9
Testosterone: 75 ng/dl (VERY LOW) reference range: 348-1197
My liver values were perfect because i took ALA, NAC, and a special bioavailable form of milk thistle bound to phosphatydlcholine

they where perfect because it was only one week...

My PCT was Clomid 50/50/25/25 and Aromasin 12.5/12.5/12.5/12.5 (to prevent rebound gyno). Clomid and aromasin suck, my libido was pretty fn low during cycle and clomid completely destroyed my libido, i had absolutely no desire to masturbate, or **** women. My balls were very small as well. Also, my facial hair stopped growing on cycle (due to a lack of testosterone and DHT in my system). I am happy to say that now I am taking Tongkat Ali 1:200 extract from Sumatra Pasak Bumi and HCGenerate and my libido is back, my balls are large again, my skin is oily, and my facial hair is full again.

again you where already shut down and a dumb move for not having test, then you took that away and Clomid for pct, have you EVER seen anyone say Clomid made them feel good? NO because PCT is where you ARE shut down and RECOVERING, wish take weeks to months regardless of PCT, I just dont think you knwo what you are doing, it IS mild if you KNOW what you are doing.

There you have it guys, the damage that Epistane can do to you!

I do feel for you and it sucks you didnt have a good cycle but..... Im in RED

also read this:

Good luck on next one (USE TEST!)

transderm, topical androgel or the best: injects.
I don't suppose you knew what your cholesterol was before you ran it? Almost single digit HDL after one week is pretty fucking scary. I don't even think Winstrol (winny) is that bad.
WTF WERE YOU TAKING? That doesn't sound like epistane one bit. Lethargy from 30 mg? No fucking way, I've taken epistane and that sounds more like superdrol. You shouldn't get itchy nips on epistane- it's an anti estrogen. It was originally used to treat BREAST CANCER. Yes you can get strength gains from epi, but it comes with almost no mass whatsoever simply because of it's anti estrogenic properties- estrogen is needed for glucose metabolism, which is why things that aromatise heavily are great for building mass just not strength... I'm not dissing you bro, but you might wanna make sure what you're taking was actually epistane and not something else.
WTF WERE YOU TAKING? That doesn't sound like epistane one bit. Lethargy from 30 mg? No fucking way, I've taken epistane and that sounds more like superdrol. You shouldn't get itchy nips on epistane- it's an anti estrogen. It was originally used to treat BREAST CANCER. Yes you can get strength gains from epi, but it comes with almost no mass whatsoever simply because of it's anti estrogenic properties- estrogen is needed for glucose metabolism, which is why things that aromatise heavily are great for building mass just not strength... I'm not dissing you bro, but you might wanna make sure what you're taking was actually epistane and not something else.

Same goes for Equipose too??
That doesn't sound like real e-stane to me either. I've taken several brands, and I can tell you 100% sure that IBE epistane is not real epistane. I know that's not the brand you were taking, but it leads me to believe it was a different compound you were actually taking. I don't think it was super though. My guess is phera-plex.

P.S. Is epi still legal?
It sounds like you were taking superdrol on a high carb/pro diet. As mentioned epi is different. What u describe is sd.

Also mentioned... a tes base. Find your self even a small amount. 350mg a wk and run a oral jumpstart. 10 - 12 wks and you will be a happy man.

Get your self some tes enthanthe and the ntbm epi. I know that stuff is real, legit, etc. 4-5 wks at 30/40mg will be a much different experience. Dry lean gains. Very little water. Not much lb tho. Maybe 7-10 lbs total after a good run.

Than u will be still on tes for 5 more wks. Which by than it will kick in good, all that new muscle will have time to mature.

Last do a real post cycle therapy (pct) bro. Nolva clomid hcgenerate low dose aromasin igf lr3. All of them. You will hold all the gains. Or 90%.

That doesn't sound like real e-stane to me either. I've taken several brands, and I can tell you 100% sure that IBE epistane is not real epistane. I know that's not the brand you were taking, but it leads me to believe it was a different compound you were actually taking. I don't think it was super though. My guess is phera-plex.

P.S. Is epi still legal?

Yes, epistane is still legal. For now, anyways.
Same goes for Equipose too??

Yes, same goes for equipoise. Equipoise and testosterone are just as anabolic, yet equipoise doesn't aromatize as much as testosterone. This is why although you gain about the same amount of strength on each, you will gain much more mass from an equal amount of testosterone. People have a huge misunderstanding as to what estrogen really does. YOU NEED ESTROGEN TO BUILD MASS. Without estrogen present your muscles won't suck up nearly as much glycogen.
On a higher dose of epi you'll get dry joints. I'd compare 40 mg of epi to about .75 mg of letrozole. I don't get how some people can do 60 mg of epi. I can just imagine my knee crackling as I do squats.
I'm a skeptical hippo on this post, this is legit right? I mean i have ran Epi at 70mg with no sides and slight lethargy/little to no shutdown sex drive was still solid very little joint discomfort. Well sorry to hear about that man, i would just say it isn't right for you. Try some natty boosters and stay away from PH's cause more than likely if Epi was that harsh for you, others like Helladrol and such wouldn't be a good idea for now.
I'm a skeptical hippo on this post, this is legit right? I mean i have ran Epi at 70mg with no sides and slight lethargy/little to no shutdown sex drive was still solid very little joint discomfort. Well sorry to hear about that man, i would just say it isn't right for you. Try some natty boosters and stay away from PH's cause more than likely if Epi was that harsh for you, others like Helladrol and such wouldn't be a good idea for now.

Holy shit, you ran 70 mg of epi? Did you die??? :confused:

I did 20/30/30/40 and then 3 days of 50 to finish off the batch. When I hit the 50 mg's my joints decided that they didn't like me anymore. I also had almost no testicular atrophy, however my nuts are made of steel. No lethargy for me but sex drive was down a bit. Epistane seemed to have a powerful anti-estrogen effect for me but I had no other sides.
Holy shit, you ran 70 mg of epi? Did you die??? :confused:

I did 20/30/30/40 and then 3 days of 50 to finish off the batch. When I hit the 50 mg's my joints decided that they didn't like me anymore. I also had almost no testicular atrophy, however my nuts are made of steel. No lethargy for me but sex drive was down a bit. Epistane seemed to have a powerful anti-estrogen effect for me but I had no other sides.

Yeah, i had no issues though. If anything i noticed no change in sides from 50-70, joints were slightly dry'd out but i was taking joint support and lots of fish oil/flax oil.

Anti estro indeed, i felt really good on epi too.
epistane is an awesome hormoone and certainly no mild walt disney supplement. i have seen great gains and very leans at that from the epi range. theres a new product out similar to that of the original epistrong available at mr supps.com and its also called "Epi-strong" only a limited number of units made be quick to get them as they are going to be awesome, heads up guys ;)
Wow you are retarded...I never fail to be amused by people like this haha.

Of course you were shut down...its a fucking steroid. What do you think post cycle therapy (pct) is for? If you have issues with lethargy you should run test. If you cant get test run DHEA or stano...or MENT for fucks sake. this is basic cycle knowledge.

Your liver values had nothing to do with your support supps because it was week ONE and the only liver supp that is proven to work is UDCA or TUDCA.

Also you are clearly retarded for thinking that the clomid crashed your sex drive....clomid increases sex drive. It was the aromasin that crashed your estrogen which in turn crashed your sex drive. There is no need for an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) in post cycle therapy (pct).

Btw, if you can only dumbbell lateral raise 20-25lbs then there is NO WAY you can dumbbell bench 160's. Jay cutler benches 160's...granted he is weak as fuck for all the gear he is on.
Hey everyone, i just finished a cycle of Epistane and here are the results...
Original plan: 30/40/40/50/50/50
I stopped after week 4 so my cycle was 30/40/40/40.
I used LGI Epi-10

168 lbs
12% BF
185 lbs
13% BF

My diet was very clean, with very low sodium and fats, high in complex carbs and protein. Even with my diet in check, i experienced insane bloat. After the first week of being on Epistane i put on 10 lbs...yes, 10 lbs. From there on i started to look puffy and bloated throughout the cycle. It was very obvious that most of the weight gain was intracellular water. I was VERY disappointed with the results.

Side Effects:
MAJOR shutdown after the first week. I experienced incredible lethargy to the point where i couldn't workout. My balls shrunk, and by week 3 my nips got puffy. My libido hit rock bottom, i stopped masturbating, and my stomach felt bloated 24/7.

Strength: I had very impressive strength gains, my DB bench press went from 130 lb for 4 reps to 160 lb for 4 reps. My preacher curl went from 45 lb to 60 lb. My DB lateral raises went from 15 lb to 20-25 lb. So i was very satisfied with the strength department; HOWEVER, most of the days on cycle i couldnt workout due to lethargy, but when i did workout i had tremendous strength.


HDL: 10 (LOW) reference range: >39
Triglycerides: 171 (HIGH) reference range: 0-149
LH: 0.639 (LOW) reference range: 1.5-9
Testosterone: 75 ng/dl (VERY LOW) reference range: 348-1197
My liver values were perfect because i took ALA, NAC, and a special bioavailable form of milk thistle bound to phosphatydlcholine

My post cycle therapy (pct) was Clomid 50/50/25/25 and Aromasin 12.5/12.5/12.5/12.5 (to prevent rebound gyno). Clomid and aromasin suck, my libido was pretty fn low during cycle and clomid completely destroyed my libido, i had absolutely no desire to masturbate, or **** women. My balls were very small as well. Also, my facial hair stopped growing on cycle (due to a lack of testosterone and DHT in my system). I am happy to say that now I am taking Tongkat Ali 1:200 extract from Sumatra Pasak Bumi and HCGenerate and my libido is back, my balls are large again, my skin is oily, and my facial hair is full again.

There you have it guys, the damage that Epistane can do to you!

I CALL BULLSHIT ON YOU OP, Ive seen this exact same post on other boards.......funny how you say you crashed so hard on only a week and OTC supps fixed you right up When a post cycle therapy (pct) couldnt......lol
I CALL BULLSHIT ON YOU OP, Ive seen this exact same post on other boards.......funny how you say you crashed so hard on only a week and OTC supps fixed you right up When a PCT couldnt......lol

How the hell can the op db press 160 and only do 25lb lateral raises? Brb benching 245lb with a Max barbell curl of 10lbs..