Epistane, Tbol or Anavar?


New member
Hello guys, I need some advice: I'm undecided on what to use for my first cycle.
I need something that does not affect too much the HPTA.
What do you recommend between Epistane, Turinabol and Anavar?
Thank You
Hello guys, I need some advice: I'm undecided on what to use for my first cycle.
I need something that does not affect too much the HPTA.
What do you recommend between Epistane, Turinabol and Anavar?
Thank You

For your first cycle testosterone is the best option by far. I would, and so would everyone here, against an oral only cycle. You will shut down test production while on cycle, and feel like shit. If you are dead set on running one of those compounds you need to run it alongside testosterone.
Nono, testosterone is out of the question ...
Why? I can not use them without testosterone?

Not if you're a male. ALL AAS suppresses your HPTA, which means you won't have any testosterone being produced while on, and several weeks after.

Sorry, but there's no way to avoid the needle unless you can find andriol (oral testosterone), which is expensive and very difficult to find.

My .02c :)
For your first cycle testosterone is the best option by far. I would, and so would everyone here, against an oral only cycle. You will shut down test production while on cycle, and feel like shit. If you are dead set on running one of those compounds you need to run it alongside testosterone.

^^You Shut down Test production....that's why^^
When you add another AAS to your body it signals to your hpta to stop making testosterone. This means that the anavar will be working but your test levels will drop to almost nothing. Your body needs testosterone to function and by running an AAS without including testosterone will mess with you physically and mentally. You need to run test. I am giving you this info in a nice way. Other guys will be here soon to flame you for not researching this, and with good reason. Why don't you want to run test?
Why I do not want to use the needle ... and I have little money to spend.
Why need of testosterone? During the cycle, if I introduce the Anavar, I should already be in anabolism. What need is there of testosterone? Is replaced by the Anavar, no?
After the cycle of Anavar, I run a PCT with Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
There is some AAS or PH that does not require an injection of testosterone?

I just want to understand why the injection of testosterone is so important.
What happens to me if I do a cycle of 4 or 8 weeks without it?
Hello guys, I need some advice: I'm undecided on what to use for my first cycle.
I need something that does not affect too much the HPTA.
What do you recommend between Epistane, Turinabol and Anavar?
Thank You

Test, but do NOT touch Epistane, horrible stuff, used it for 6 weeks, gained nothing asides from loads of water and made me aggressive and moody, trash.
We already explained it op. The male body needs testosterone to function properly. Anavar is NOT testosterone. Fuck it, try your cycle and let us know when you can't get a hard on, feel depressed, and start acting like a woman so we can laugh and say told you so.
Why I do not want to use the needle ... and I have little money to spend.
Why need of testosterone? During the cycle, if I introduce the Anavar, I should already be in anabolism. What need is there of testosterone? Is replaced by the Anavar, no?
After the cycle of Anavar, I run a PCT with Nolvadex 40/40/20/20

:Pat: Anavar only is for women dude. 4 weeks in and your libido will diminish, you will feel tired and unmotivated....basically you will feel like "we do" on PCT. Your cycle before and after will be one long depressing PCT recovery process.. Goodluck with that, to each is own.
Look at post #4. That shit is crazy expensive. Test and needles are cheap bud. Food cost me three times as much as gear.
There is some AAS or PH that does not require an injection of testosterone?

I just want to understand why the injection of testosterone is so important.
What happens to me if I do a cycle of 4 or 8 weeks without it?

I am going to skip all the teaching post after post.

First YOU need to educate yourself. Read and read more then ask Q's as to what you don't understand. If you know so little as to WHY Test is needed then you don't know what you are doing at all. So at this juncture you have no business playing (which is what you are doing) with AAS.

First we need stats, age, ht, wt, bf% your training history and your goals. Then if you knew anything as to the steroid profiles what promotes what aside from just anabolic effects then we could move on but you don't even know what we talk of. This is a science not a party, or a game and can be very dangerous to the rest of your life.

Start reading all the sticky's and use Google for more info as to what means what.

Also you are talking to a guy that has more than 30 years knowledge and experience with BB and AAS. All these other guys advising you are spot on with what they tell you. Listen to them. :dunno:
I remember when i was a scared little faggot afraid of needles. ....wait, i was never a scared little faggot who was afraid of needles.
If you are afraid of the needle you have NO business using steroids. Using orals only and frequently will ruin your kidneys and liver in short order.

Diet, training and rest. Do you know how to build LMM without steroids?. Is your diet clean and proper to build LMM efficiently? Is your knowledge of training by overload to build muscle mass?.

If the answer to any and all of these very basic Q's is NO then you can't do it with steroids. Hang up the thought that you will do anything at this time of you BB career but fill up with water and ruin your HPTA system. Then when you stop you will loose it ALL because you have not built LMM with which you can keep with training and diet.

PS: Oh, a 4-6 week first cycle will do nothing when it will take 5 week before anything major will begin to take place in regard to building MM
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OP. -- You say your on a budget and don't want to afford test and needles... Yet you want to run anavar which is like 5 times more expensive then testosterone.
Makes no sense