Epistane: The next generation of hormones

No other hormone in your body dictates how much mass you can gain like testosterone. All steroids are designed to mimic the anabolic effects of testosterone, and because they do it so well, people on steroids can make tremendous gains. Unfortunately, no matter how much protein, vitamins.

Guaranteed ROI
PA, what is your thought on someone actually using in sort of a "cutting" cycle? Trying to lose some fat and maintain some muscle
So how did it work perfection........ I am waiting to start taking mine.
PCT question for epistane

i just found this site today and i must say i really liek it so far compared to other forums. btu back to this thread. ive read it a few times now but havent really seen what you all believe as a proper and needed post cycle therapy (pct) for this PH. Since each PH has a different post cycle therapy (pct) needed depending on what type of PH it is, is there any post cycle therapy (pct) that all who have taken this agree on?