Epistane: The next generation of hormones

M1t is about as harsh as they come and Epistane is all the way at the other end of the spectrum. Ive had no hair loss issues while using it nor have i ever heard of any. Its low on the androgenic scale which is good where hair is concerned.
this epistane stuff sounds really good. i have concerns about hairloss though. im not really prone to hairloss however when i was 21 i took a 4 week cycle of m1t and had to quit cuz the hair was fallin out. it did grow back(thank god)
these may be 2 vastly different compounds but i view prohormones in the same light.
if someone knows, please clarify

epistane is nothing like M1T
I love epistane.

ACNE= VERY MINOR, wash ur face 1 extra time per day.
H20 retention=NO
Gain Muscle=yes
SEX DRIVE=As good as ever!
Testicular Atrophy=Yes, minor, I use sustain alpha and that has worked for me. 5 pumps 2 days a week.

same here. Cant wait to start my 4 weeker.
I started 750mg test e about 10 days ago and have been retaining water. Ive been taking .25mg of adex ED but it wasnt working till sunday i started taking 30mg of Epistane ED and yesterday i pissed about 6lbs of water out. The stuff works as an anti e.
i just order mine today after reading tons and tons of good reviews about this products.
hoefully it will arrive soon as i stay in south east asia.
i'm currently into my 3rd week of Test P / EQ cycle
with proviron through the cycle.
can i add Epistane to the last 4 weeks of my cycle or i start it only after my cycle + PCT?
thanks guys
I started 750mg test e about 10 days ago and have been retaining water. Ive been taking .25mg of adex ED but it wasnt working till sunday i started taking 30mg of Epistane ED and yesterday i pissed about 6lbs of water out. The stuff works as an anti e.

wow, good info
i just ordered a bottle as well Illl telll ya wasap after my cycles done and I try it
im going to log my first epistane experience which i am starting in a few weeks. my primary goal is strength gains, maybe adding a little size but mostly just becoming more vascular.
i was looking at the outlawmuscle forum and a lot of people were writing about epistane being inferior to havoc. A lot of reports of epistane being underdosed and containing different ingredients. This was the first negative response ive come across for epistane but id rather dish out the extra bills and get the better product if there was any shred of truth to this. thoughts?
What dose did you begin with? How long did you run it?

40 per day for a couple weeks then moved to 50 for a few days then 60 for a few more days, didn't have any negative sides so i tried 80, been on 80 for a few weeks.

i have a log going.

im up 14.5 lbs, and I am less fat. bench is up 20lbs as well.
i was looking at the outlawmuscle forum and a lot of people were writing about epistane being inferior to havoc. A lot of reports of epistane being underdosed and containing different ingredients. This was the first negative response ive come across for epistane but id rather dish out the extra bills and get the better product if there was any shred of truth to this. thoughts?

any comments about the havoc vs epistane debate, or rather i guess the IBE vs BSN debate?

I'll put this to rest the right way. IBE was the original founder of the chemical found in epistane. They were the ones who spent countless hours sythesizing it, finding the purest way to do it, etc etc. RPN found out about the chemical, quickly botched some up and threw a label on it before IBE. On the label, they are the same compound. IBE is a much better company, if you really read into how they handle their chemical synthesis. I would rather buy from IBE than RPN anyday.

Also, if this thread turns into a big Havoc vs. Epistane debate, I will be sure to have a Mod put an end to it. This thread is for educational purposes and for users to ask questions and post results. This isn't BB.com.
i just order mine today after reading tons and tons of good reviews about this products.
hoefully it will arrive soon as i stay in south east asia.
i'm currently into my 3rd week of Test P / EQ cycle
with proviron through the cycle.
can i add Epistane to the last 4 weeks of my cycle or i start it only after my cycle + PCT?
thanks guys

I would start the Epistane exactly 2 weeks before your last shot if you are using Eq. If you are using Bold prop, I would start the Epistane exactly 4 weeks before your last shot.

If that confused you let me know...i can explain it better.