Eq 300 Super test 400 and dbol

Crip Nasty

3rd string
Expectations: Bulk as heavy and clean as possible for the next 12 weeks.
Strength gains
Increase in vascularity ( slightly)
Increase in appetite

Alright to everyone who cares to follow.
Week 1-4 dbol 30mg ED
Week 1-12 Super Test 400mg twice a week. Inject sat & tues.
Week 1-10 EQ 300mg twice a week. Inject sat & tues

Day 1. First dose of dbol 30mg split up through the day.
Injected test an eq in same pin early this morning.

Results: obviously none thus far. But will continue to update so if you plan I. Running a cycle like this go ahead and follow along with my progress. If you interested in my bulk diet or workout/cycle history/PCT just ask or private message me.

Thanks for reading everyone!
I agree, however it will depend on my financial situation around week 8. Fingers crossed work picks up ya know.
Appreciate the info.
I agree, however it will depend on my financial situation around week 8. Fingers crossed work picks up ya know.
Appreciate the info.

Afternoon of day 5. Nothing to noticeable yet. The dbols starting to do its thing, I've put on about three pounds since Saturday. When I run test the first sign it's good gear is my hands tend to go numb when I play guitar and that's already happening. So I know it's solid stuff.

Appetite is gradually increasing, I'm putting down 4000 cals a day, as clean as I can.

Strength is still about the same and no bloat so far. My third pin is Saturday. So the ball should start rolling here soon.

I'll keep updating, you just keep following.

Questions and comments always welcome.
Okay so today was chest. DBOL kicked in today for sure. I worked out for two solid hours an it felt like 30minutes. Strength increase for sure!

Flat bench increase by 20lbs
Incline bench by 20lbs
And decline by 20lbs
Cable flys increase by almost 30lbs

Dips and push-ups - 3 sets to failure.

I was wrong with my last post also with weight.
Weight is up almost 8 lbs. mostly water I'm sure but non the less.

Can't wait for tomorrow!
Back an shoulders!!
Another update guys!

Once again it was chest day. I also through in some core and biceps.
I had endless energy.
I'm up a solid 10lbs as of now. And filling out everywhere! My chest, bicep, and back pumps are unreal! I'm getting more vascular as the days go on, and the "sense of well being" has fully set in with the dbol. I walk with a different stride and always have a smile. My arms and chest feel pumped and hard all day long now.

Anyways this was a pointless update but everything's going smooth and can't wait for the next few months.

Also I WILL be extending my cycle as of right now.

Dbol 1-4 30mg ED
Eq 1-14 300mg x2 per week
Super test 1-16 400mg x2 per week

Weights holding at 190lb, finding it hard to eat all my calories everyday still. Hopefully this eq will step my appetite up some more soon.
Dbol is giving me terrible heartburn/acid reflux lately. Not to the point of stopping it early or anything, but very annoying. Anyhow worked out back and core today. Solid workout, great attitude and ambition throughout. Still early in this cycle.
Waiting patiently for everything to start doing its thing.
Alright. So I switched my dbol timing and dosing up a bit to try and utilize its full potential at the gym today. I ate 5mg in the AM, 20mg a hour prior to the gym, and 5mg in the PM.
This certainly changed things up in the gym. I had pumps I've never felt before! They almost hurt, I thought bi biceps were going to tear through my skin!! I had so much energy I went ahead and did legs, core, biceps, triceps, lags, traps, and calfs. I mean I worked EVERYTHING. My appetite is hit or miss, but today was a solid day. Got all six meals in and some. Hoping to see that scale start going up.

Sides so far: unquenchable thirst
Lower back pumps (somewhat painful)
Terrible heartburn/acid reflux

Also I know that test blend is kicking in. Even ugly girls are starting to look attractive..
Hey bro, I'm getting close to starting almost the exact same cycle as you, equi, t4 and dbol.. Im interested in your workouts/diet/and pct.. Message me or email me, thanks! -Seburn Seburnjhenryiv@gmail.com

Btw your cycle looks like its going great, keep it up!
Yeah man, I'm exactly two weeks in as of today and feeling great! I think you'll be please with your run at it. I'm really diggin this DBOL ! Anyhow I'll do another update after the gym tonight. Then I'll type up my program and message it to you !

Keep following guys!
Evening of day 19

Time for a long over due update.

So starting yesterday my appetite has gone through the roof. I'm eating everything in sight and growing very quickly at this point. At least a pound a day for the last 5 days. Up 17lbs since first pin.
Even with increased appetite I'm still managing to eat quite clean. I'm up to almost 3 gallons of water a day and peeing like crazy haha.

As for the sides..
I've started taking a zantec every other day to control heartburn from the dbol.
I just got use to drinking water non stop. Solves that problem.

The only thing that leaves is the intense pumps in my lower back and now biceps. Which is well worth it.

And i also didn't expect this quite so soon. BUT the "hey Thor" comments have already started coming up. And hardly any of my shirts fit. I can't wait to see what the next 14 weeks have in store !!! Yewww !!
Let me know if you do. I have done them before but can not seem to figure it out this time...maybe its my only tren side, mental degradation?
I've been messing with it for a while now and still can't get it ! I made a photobucket account and got the URL to copy and paste it, and the shitty thing says its invalid or something. I guess the world will never know about CRIP NASTY'S adventure through endless eating and extreme dbol pumps...