

New member
is equipoise oil or water based? does it have good effects? worth the money? can i just take the Equipoise aloneeeeeeee or do i have to stack it?
Eq is oil based. It does have good effects considering that the one using it knows what he is doing and has the proper diet and training routine. Is it worth the money???? Depends on the price you are getting it for. It works good alone, esp for a new person to gear.
Didn't you post this same shit last night under the name cornuodo or something?? And weren't you also BANNED??????
What a moron. He just PM'ed me saying "I don't know what you are talking about". Same thread last night.
StoneColdNTO said:
Shit...........I was trying to see if he would admit he is only 16 years old.

Yep....this is Cohonudo, get a load of his post in the Female forum, maybe we should keep him around for entertainment purposes. :D


Damn and to think that I was giving this guy advice!

Check out his PM:
test from coho
one more question bro can i take the test oral
like u can on winnie injectable some people take it oral
i just want to know if test 200 that i have can be taken oral by taking the
plunger out and squirting it in my mouth?

Oh well, best of luck to him.......hopefully he wont f**k himself up!:)

why are u guys just plain out haters u all started out from base one not knowing shit dont act like u know it all entertainment purposes WTF i just had a question instead of talking shit just help people out regardless of what they ask i want to body build and im serious about it and the question i posted in the female forum man it was just for fun i wanted to see what a girl would say thats all man second the reason i post the questions about juice is because im curious and i wanna make sure i do the right things and workout right and diet right thats why i am a member of this site.

im 17 and a half i turn 18 in 3 weeks so basically im almost 18 and i just wanna have good advice on body building and gear thats all
Re: pumpin

pumpiniron626 said:
im 17 and a half i turn 18 in 3 weeks so basically im almost 18 and i just wanna have good advice on body building and gear thats all

My....you have sure aged in a few days....LMFAO !!

cohonudo said:
i am 16 yrs old 5'8 5'9 i my weight is 145 i am am working out now i am skinny a lil bit i want to gain body mass i dont have a mass diet or any at all. i just eat whatever is for dinner but i am dedicated enough to start my own diet and cook for myself. i dont drink sodas or junk foor like fast food so im pretty clean in that area. i do have protein max muscle protein 20 grams protein per serving but im not taking it becuase i dont know when too. i also have winstrol but im not gonna take it becuase they say im too young so if anybody can help me with my diet i would really appreciate it.
Re: pumpin

pumpiniron626 said:
why are u guys just plain out haters u all started out from base one not knowing shit dont act like u know it all entertainment purposes WTF i just had a question instead of talking shit just help people out regardless of what they ask i want to body build and im serious about it and the question i posted in the female forum man it was just for fun i wanted to see what a girl would say thats all man second the reason i post the questions about juice is because im curious and i wanna make sure i do the right things and workout right and diet right thats why i am a member of this site.

Want some advice, keep drinking your milk until you are old enough to mess with AAS!!!:p
And bro, if you are going to turn up here in various incarnations, please lose the "stream-of-consciousness" literary style. Use complete sentences and punctuate.
I, for one, won't read the garbled mess some people post; so decent questions may get unanswered. Consider the readers!
This is the first time that I've seen such flaming to someone who prob could benifit the most from this board,Bro stay off the juice till your older,you should have lots of natural test running around in you,eat,eat,eat,train dont fuck up your natural test production till you'll never have so much natural test in you as you have right now!look at Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) when you in late twenty's-thirty's, use what you got!