equipose cycle and pct?


New member
hey guys im about to start a cycle i have never done a post cycle befor. so im going to just say what i have planned and see what u all think.
im going to run 400mg of boldabol 200 witch is equipose boldenone undecylenate from british dragon for 12 weeks. i have ran this befor but i got gyno. and i also think it stunted my testes. so this time im going to pct.

12 weeks 400mg equipoise
10 days after cycle start hcg
500iu a day for 10 days
then start nolvadex and clomid for 6 weeks
first 2 wks nolvadex 40mg per day and clomid 150mg per day
next 2 weeks nolvadex 20mg per day clomid 100mg per day
last 2 weeks nolvadex 10mg per day clomid 50mg per day.

should i run 1000iu for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) or just 500? will Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) cause gyno? i was going to run arimidex , femara, or amonasin during my cycle but i do not know the dosage and how often? should i run 1 of the 3 during the cycle or not? should i run 1 of the 3 during my pct as well as the nolva clomid or not? should i just run 1 of the 3 with the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)? should i take it at all and how? other than that is my plan good or should i alter it?
is it bad to run eq by itself? and if i deside to run 600mg eq a week do i need to change my dosages up at all? can too much nolva and clomid be bad?
Running Eq only is a bad idea. Test should be the base of every cycle. You said you've never ran a post cycle before. What's your cycle history? Is this your first? As far as Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) a blast is fine I prefer 1000iu every other day for 10 days over 500iu a day for 10 days. I just think it stimulates/shocks the system more. but you'll want to do a little more research on long esters like Eq. It has a 21 day half life so IMO you'll want to wait a little longer than 10 days after your last shot of Eq. As far as Gino, you'll just want to run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) starting about 2-3 weeks after the first pin. Something like 12.5 mg of aromasin every other day then if you think you still are having estrogen related sides, you can run that same dose every day. Also if you want accurate advice you should post your stats like height, weight, cycle history, things like that
equipoise cycle and pct ?

hey guys im about to start a cycle i have never done a post cycle befor. so im going to just say what i have planned and see what u all think.
im going to run 400mg of boldabol 200 witch is equipose boldenone undecylenate from british dragon for 12 weeks. i have ran this befor but i got gyno. and i also think it stunted my testes. so this time im going to pct.

12 weeks 400mg equipoise
10 days after cycle start hcg
500iu a day for 10 days
then start nolvadex and clomid for 6 weeks
first 2 wks nolvadex 40mg per day and clomid 150mg per day
next 2 weeks nolvadex 20mg per day clomid 100mg per day
last 2 weeks nolvadex 10mg per day clomid 50mg per day.

should i run 1000iu for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) or just 500? will Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) cause gyno? i was going to run arimidex , femara, or amonasin during my cycle but i do not know the dosage and how often? should i run 1 of the 3 during the cycle or not? should i run 1 of the 3 during my pct as well as the nolva clomid or not? should i just run 1 of the 3 with the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)? should i take it at all and how? other than that is my plan good or should i alter it?
is it bad to run eq by itself? and if i deside to run 600mg eq a week do i need to change my dosages up at all? can too much nolva and clomid be bad?
im 5ft 11 175lbs and i have done alot of stuff in the past when i was in high school. this is like my 7th cycle. i have not cycles in the past 2 or 3 years and i plan on this being my last time. last time i ran eq at 600mg and had extreme size gain and strength. good quality muscle. i was also eating 4 thousand calories a day and lifting every day for 3 hrs a day. i would like to get to about 185 190
i have done lots of research. i am not running test because i get bad acne from it and i am not trying to get bodybuilder huge. im trying to gain like 10 lbs. why is it bad to run without test? this will be my forth time running this by itself
Dude 7 cycles with not PCT? You are still 175 and how old are you now? I would be giving my body a break if I did all that so young. Unless you are like 30 lol and I get the feeling you are not.

Also as stated if you are going to do the cycle you should be running test as a base and stack it with equipoise or test by itself. I agree with ozzy about running 1000iu every other day of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for post cycle therapy (pct).

You're Nolvadex and your Clomid are good to go.

As far as an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), Adex would be run .25-.50 mg EOD and Aromasin 12.5mg EOD.
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a little more details people. i want to do it right this time. i have not cycled in 2 or 3 yrs. how much longer would u say to wait. i have a kid that is going to b born in 3 weeks so i want to do it 1 more time. every other time i did it i stopped working out after and after time you get smaller.
You also get smaller a lot faster by not doing a PCT and its that much harder to get back to the gym.

and thinking about it lol, I would rather use the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout the cycle at 250iu twice a week. Use the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) right until the end or up to a week after and then follow your regular PCT protocol which for Eq. is 21 days after last injection and test such as Sustanon would be 18 days.
well friken elaborate then. im asking quit saying the same shit and inform me. i have read every article out. wtf else. give me a dam website then.
Everything besides test shuts down your natural test.. How do you run cycles and not know that?
FYI Test shuts down your natural test production too.

Yes but you still have test in your body because you are putting it there. If you shut down your test production with EQ or Deca and aren't adding test to replace that which stopped producing, you will have problems. Hence Deca Dick, etc...
i have done lots of research. i am not running test because i get bad acne from it and i am not trying to get bodybuilder huge. im trying to gain like 10 lbs. why is it bad to run without test? this will be my forth time running this by itself

I don't even know where to start with you, wtf?....Dude, just stay away from AAS, you have no business using it. If this is your fourth time running it, you should be a pro at this. Why are you even asking questions? :Pat: