Equipose,Sustanon,Primo,Dbol CYcle


Hero Of the Day
hey there Ive Just Started My cycle I"m Going to Compete In 10 Week
I'll Keep you aware Of the changes FOr this cycle
Saturday 17 Of January Wieght 217lbs 11% BF FIrst INjection 500 Mg of Sustanon
January 22 nd . Took A Shot Of 3cc 50mg/ml Equipoise
Weight hasn't Move maybe 216 but I'm On a Diet to lose BOdyfat so Its a Good Sign
January 24th Took a Shot of Equipoise 3cc 50mg/ml Equipoise
bodyweight done done to 215 and 10% Bodyfat pretty much leaner I like my shape so far I think I havent lost any Muscle mass
January 25th Took a Shot of 2cc 250sustanon everything is great except my cheat as put some Water Retention on Me but Its gonna leave dont worry
pour le suspension jai trouvé le mec pis il me dit que il devrais etre capable meme que lui en commande On s'en rejase thebodz99

aie c excellent ca mon vieux je te le dis on va tous les manger en compet ... gnark gnark .. un gros merci superman
January 28th Shot of 3cc Equipoise TOday Everything Is well bodyfat Is wearing off and mass keeps on COmin so Its Perfect
Injection Of Equipoise TOday 3cc again and my trainer told me to do 2 time 30min of Cardio a Day 4 time a week for 4 week
Febuary 10th I'm Gettin there BOdyfat Is WAY down probably near 8 or 9 % my bodyweight Is 208 so Im pretty confident that i'll look good
Cardio Is goin Great too
febuary 16th Bodyfat near 8% maybe lower weight is still at 207 gettin lean and gettin more lean mass too thats good , I've Started Clenbuterol 40mcgs a Day In pill 3 days ago and its good probably I'll go down to 6 or 7% In No time I'll have some Pic Soon
Pics Comin Tomorrow I Promess BOdyweight Is at 205 right Now havent Lost any muscle Yet so Its great finished My Equipoise This Morning gonna Start Primo On the 25th.600mg a Week