Equipose,Sustanon,Primo,Dbol CYcle

Now Febuary 28 My shape Is GREAT I just did chest at the gym and It was striated has hell after damn I feel Good I just started this week 600 mg of Primo a Week for 2 week and 400 the 2 after

Im presently at 204 and bf must be near 7
carb day today march 11th I had A LOT OF Carbs :P thats was great My weight Is at 206 and stable and BOdyfat Is Still Goin down , veins are starting to come Out in the abs , pecs ,quads and shoulders . I'm 16 DaYS out of my Competition Now Im just takin 4 Dbol a day and 400mg Primo I have Some More Primo for Next Week but I've FOund Some TRENBOLONE 100mg/ml so I'll Start it On Sunday I'll Give U some News about it
On March 27th I was Contest Weight at 196 lbs but Rehydrated I was Approximatyvely 205 . Cycle Conclusion I gained about 8 lbs On my Pre Contest Diet/Cycle and lost 18 Lbs of fat