estrogen and adiposity: article

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The Anafit E-Zine Newsletter Ed1.vol3
The Estrogen Series: Part I
Estrogen and Adiposity: the Vicious Cycle
Estrogen is a necessary hormone but in excess it causes a host of issues. In this series of articles we will look at how
excess estrogen and estrogenic compounds cause problems and what can be done about it.
Estrogen and Fat
The link between estrogen and body fat is cyclical. As body fat increases so does production of the aromatase
enzyme, the enzyme that converts other hormones to estrogens. Increased production of the aromatase enzyme
increases the amount of estrogen produced. Likewise, as levels of estrogen increase, the amount of fat stored increases
and the body’s ability to burn those fats decreases. This relationship leads to large stores of fat that are difficult to
burn, producing aromatase enzyme, which sustains the high levels of estrogen. Breaking this vicious cycle, even with
exercise and diet, often proves to be difficult without directly addressing the cause and impact of high estrogen.
It is important for the purposes of this discussion to differentiate between estrogenic fat and androgenic fat stores.
Androgenic fat stores are intra-abdominal (inside the belly) and this type of fat stores is almost devoid of the
production of aromatase enzyme. Subcutaneous or peripheral body fat, also referred to as gynoid or female-pattern
fat, is a heavy producer of the aromatase enzyme. Areas where this type of fat is most prevalent are hips, chest, thighs,
lower back and triceps.
The aromatase enzyme, as mentioned above, converts other hormones to estrogens. It also converts androstenedione,
which is a precursor to testosterone, to the weak estrogen metabolite estrone. This aromatase enzyme also converts the
weak estrone and testosterone to the potent estrogen estradiol. This is significant because excess aromatase enzyme
not only increases total conversion to estrogens, but it significantly increases the production of the stronger estrogen
metabolite estradiol. Having more of the strong estrogen metabolite is highly linked to various “female” cancers,
along with heart disease, prostate cancer and other health issues. These problems are all in addition to the negative
impact that extra estradiol has on fat storage. In men, excess aromatase enzyme and subsequent estrogen production
leads to the emergence of female fat patterns as well as possible gynecomastia. Also, because more estradiol is being
produced, it enhances the negative feedback on testosterone production, lowering natural production of testosterone in
men. In women, aside from the very apparent fat storage issues, the increases in estradiol over estrone means more of
the negative health effects like the various cancers and heart disease that are linked to strong estrogenic signaling.
Basically this means less estrone, which is the relatively beneficial weak estrogen, and more estradiol, which is the
strong and relatively harmful estrogen.
Estrogens direct impact on body fat is primarily through the regulation of adrenoceptors. Estrogens, estradiol in
particular upregulate the alpha-2 adrenoceptors and also down regulate beta adrenoceptor activity. In essence, the beta
adrenoceptors act as the “gas pedal” When it comes to body fat and its utilization for energy (fat burning). The alpha
adrenoceptors do the opposite – they are the “brakes.” Estrogen, in those terms, enhances the brake pedal and
weakens the gas pedal on your fat burning. In the race to lose fat or stop from gaining it, high estrogen will puts you
in the slow lane at best.
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There are three primary methods of interrupting or diminishing the effects of this cycle of estrogen, body fat and the
aromatase enzyme: The first is to lose body fat through exercise and diet. The second is to block the alpha
adrenoceptors with an alpha adrenoceptor blocker like yohimbine. The third is to inhibit the aromatase enzyme either
by blocking its synthesis by destroying the aromatase enzyme with a suicidal aromatase enyzme inhibitor or by
inhibiting its activity competitively with a competitive aromatase enzyme inhibitor.
You have probably heard this a hundred times, but you are going to hear it again. In order to lose body fat you need a
calorie deficit by eating fewer calories than you use. This usually means some kind of calorie restriction and exercise
program. Blocking the alpha 2 adrenoceptor, while employing a calorie deficit, will significantly facilitate fat loss
from estrogenic fat areas. By blocking the alpha 2, you basically take the foot off the fat-burning brakes., This will
also allow the beta adrenoceptors to be more active, so it’s a bit of an extra foot on the gas pedal too. A topical
yohimbine product like Yohimburn is the best option since it delivers a high dosage of the blocking agent directly to
the tissues that need it. Oral yohimbine just cannot achieve the tissue concentrations needed without causing
significant negative side effects.
Inhibiting the aromatase enzyme will take care of the estrogen production issue and will help with fat loss as well. At
the time of this writing, use of such inhibitors is only recommended in men, whom will receive the added benefit of
increased testosterone levels by inhibiting aromatase enzyme. Most aromatase enzyme inhibitors are prescription
only. However, some over-the-counter products like AIFM have proven to be as effective as prescription aromatase
enzyme inhibitors such as Aromasin®. AIFM uses a natural suicidal aromatase enzyme inhibitor to destroy the
aromatase enzyme.
Excess estrogen production presents many issues, but there are means and tools to help combat this threat.
Yohimburn ES, the next
evolution in the
Yohimburn line, provides
substantial fat burning
and energy effects
helping to solve your
stubborn fat issues. The
primary ingredient in
Yohimburn ES is
Yohimbine. Yohimbine is
used topically to increase
lipolysis, or fat burning,
both locally and to a
lesser extent systemically
(all over).
AI for Men uses ATD, a
natural steroidal
aromatase inhibitor, that
is better suited for men
than the most commonly
used AI’s like arimidex
and letrozole which were
designed for women. It
provides adrenal and
immune supports as well
as cortisol suppression
through the addition of
This product is designed
for men only.
© 2007 Anafit Inc. Orlando Florida 32826
I finally got around to reading this macro.....excellent article.

The thing that shocked me the most was how a topical agent is highly recommended......

A topical
yohimbine product like Yohimburn is the best option since it delivers a high dosage of the blocking agent directly to
the tissues that need it. Oral yohimbine just cannot achieve the tissue concentrations needed without causing
significant negative side effects.

I've always been skeptical of any topical products.

I am now going to research yohimbine a little bit more closely.

Thanks for posting that! :spin:
i researched it and came to the conclusion that it's bunk...I may be wrong but I might be right.

I'm more interested in least i can say "i know from experience" that clen works for me.
before you broads go out and block your estrogen with nolva,arimidex,etc...there will be a rebound effect that can be fucking heinous.Some are effected worse than others....this with the psychological/physical effect of coming off is not worth it .Ive seen this first hand.

just stick to clean diet and some light drugs .unless your competing at a level where your income depends on it ,why fuck with it?

keep priorities in order...there is and should be line unless you really don't care.
nolva is a SERM, and its use is not reccomended.

arimidex (a competitive inhibitor) can cause rebound, particularly in women, as can nolva. Aromasin and other suicidal inhibitors do not cause rebound, though believe that dosing regimin is still not clear.

at this time not ready to make Aromatase inhibitor (AI) reccomendations for women, though there is definitely potential for there use in women with higher estrogen and peripheral aromatase issues (due to adiposity).

the reason that clen "works" in women is because its a direct beta-2 agonist, thus avoids NE related A2 negative feedback. However, its still limited by beta adrenoceptor proliferation which is weak in estrogenic tissues.

injectable yohimbine, as used in helios, is just more bioavailable, it has very minimal local effects especially since its water based (there are ways to make a local diffusion injection, but wont be disclosing that here). There is absolutely no reason to inject clenbuterol...

topical/transdermal delivery of yohimbine, as with yohimburn, does deliver very high concentrations of yohimbine to local tissues.
as a note- for those that do use AI's, its a balancing act. so expect dosage adjustment. Also would reccomend using a steroidal Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like aromasin or AIFM to taper off (so there is not a rebound effect). You also could use these as your Aromatase inhibitor (AI). this is one area where liquid AI's may be highly preferable as you can make minute adjustements to dosage.

though still reticent on reccomending at this time.
Thanks for that article macro!!

I myself am super super conservative when it comes to hormone manipulation... rebounds are very hard to deal with and imo high progesterone levels are worse than high estrogen levels.. I can deal with high estrogen, but when i had an imbalance in my proges levels, man was i miserable and an evil witch! Hormone balancing and manipulation for women is so tedious and great care should always be exhibited!!!

I've been telling peeps about topical yohimbine for years now.. and of course sending them your way Macro ;)

haven't i earned myself a free bottle yet? lol.. j/k

Id like to hear more about injectable yohimbine. Like how to make, dosage, etc.
Id like to hear more about injectable yohimbine. Like how to make, dosage, etc.

injectable Y has very little local effect. if you are going to go with injectable you might as well use oral yohimbine.
as far as making injectable Y most people use PG or PEG, though again not reccomending this.
localized transdermal delivery is much more effective for fat loss. If you want the stimulant effect of yohimbine, nasal or buccal admin are most effective.