MIA - PM only
I'm sure most of us are aware of the negative side effects associated with letting your estrogen get out of control. We've also learnt how to combat this with AIs & compounds.
More recently, thanks to knowledgeable members from the TRT threads & learning to interpret bloodwork from other members (Megatron) - we've also recognized the health dangers of letting your estrogen levels get too low.
But what if I told you that estrogen was actually VITAL to helping you build the maximum amount of muscle?
What if I said that by controlling your estrogen on cycle, you were building LESS mass?
Can you build more muscle with high estrogen or are the sides not worth the risk?
Let's find out...
Most of the information I'm going to to provide, along with my advice at the end, is only applicable to EXPERIENCED users.
When I say experienced, I mean individuals with years of training & multiple cycles behind them to get a good idea of how their body reacts to different compounds - preferably based on previous bloodwork results.
For everyone else, the traditional advice of using an AI through a cycle still applies and I strongly discourage you from following my advice at the end of this.
First, let's get some basics out of the way...
We already know that the body uses testosterone to synthesis estrogen (estradiol). In fact both substances are very similar with the only difference due to the changes caused by the enzyme Aromatase.
We should also be aware that Aromatase occurs throughout the body, not just in fat & muscle but also through the central nervous system, liver, etc.
Well known negative sides
Estrogen levels are naturally low for men and usually don't present an issue.
However large amounts can cause common sides such as fat gain, gynecomastia, water retention, etc.
This is why our community mainly focuses on limiting estrogen through AIs like Arimedex & AEs like Nolva.
I should mention that during a cut, limiting estrogen is beneficial to increase definition.
The benefits I'm about to explain will apply to inceasing muscle mass while bulking.
Benefits of Estrogen
Knowledgeable users are aware that estrogenic compounds are the best mass builders of all, but this isn't due simply to the extra water retention.
In fact Estrogen has a direct effect on anabolism in several ways.
Increased glucose use
Estrogen has a strong impact on how glucose is utilized within the muscle tissue through the G6PD enzyme, which influences glucose use for muscle growth & recovery.
G6D is also part of the Pentose Phosphate pathway, which determines the rate of cell synthesis for tissue repair.
To give a real life demonstration of this information, lets look at G6PD levels postworkout.
Multiple studies have shown that G6PD levels rise after muscle damage has occured in order to enhance recovery & estrogen is the key to G6PD availability for cells looking to recover:
Aromatization of androgens to estrogens - PubMed Mobile
This study showed a direct link between estrogen & G6PD when test prop administration on rats resulted in an increase in G6PD levels NOT due to the direct action of test, but due to the aromatization of test to estradiol.
This was further illustrated when non-aromatizable compounds like halotestin failed to show this effect in the same study.
The results of the study also showed that this positive rise in G6PD levels didn't occur when test prop was combined with an AI.
There are other studies combining test with an anti-androgen that illustrate this rise in G6D occurs independent of androgen receptors.
What all this shows is that estrogen, via the G6PD enzyme, can increase glucose utilization - this accelerates recovery & can lead to more growth in the future.
Estrogen & GH/IGF-1
IGF-1 is released through GH stimulus and is responsible for the anabolic activity of GH (increased protein synthesis, etc).
There are several studies showing multiple AIs & AEs reducing IGF-1 levels indirectly by lowering estrogen:
Aromatization of androgens to estrogens - PubMed Mobile
This study compared a group on trt with another on trt + Nolva.
The trt only group increased GH & IGF-1 while the trt + nolva group showed suppressed levels.
Androgen-stimulated pubertal growth: th - PubMed Mobile
This study showed that DHT, a non-aromatizable hormone, reduced GH/IGF-1, unlike test.
Estrogen clearly results in higher GH/IGF-1 levels, this gives users an advantage to building more muscle.
This advantage is completely lost when AIs, AEs and/or anti-estrogenic compounds are used.
Estrogen & fatigue
Estrogen is capable of promoting focus & wakefulness and, in our community, fatigue is a pretty common problem. Extreme estrogen suppression is one of the main causes of fatigue (as the bloodwork of alot of board members has shown).
Here's a study showing fatigue caused directly by estrogen suppression in women:
Premenstrual syndrome. - PubMed Mobile
There are other studies illustrating the same point by using Arimedex, Letrozole, etc as examples.
I should mention that non-aromatizable compounds can also cause fatigue - highlighting the need for test as a base.
This suppression can inhibit your gains due to an inability to train at full intensity.
Estrogen helps prevent fatigue by supporting serotonin, a neurotransmitter vital to being alert.
For guys who don't get regular bloodwork done (why?), I suggest looking at fatigue as a sign that your estrogen levels may be suppressed - this is detrimental to your gains on cycle.
Recommendations for advanced users
If the aim of the cycle is to build maximum muscle mass, then compounds made to control estrogen should be used cautiously.
In general, if you have no bad sides (bloodwork is reasonable) then the added estrogen from compounds like test, Dbol, etc will increase your energy & muscle mass.
So in conclusion, veterans who are in tune with their bodies or not prone to the sides may want to hold back on the estrogen control compounds to achieve maximum muscle mass during their cycle.
I could've written about the many health benefits of estrogen, but I though I'd keep it relevant to building muscle.
Hope this is useful for some of you.
More recently, thanks to knowledgeable members from the TRT threads & learning to interpret bloodwork from other members (Megatron) - we've also recognized the health dangers of letting your estrogen levels get too low.
But what if I told you that estrogen was actually VITAL to helping you build the maximum amount of muscle?
What if I said that by controlling your estrogen on cycle, you were building LESS mass?
Can you build more muscle with high estrogen or are the sides not worth the risk?
Let's find out...
Most of the information I'm going to to provide, along with my advice at the end, is only applicable to EXPERIENCED users.
When I say experienced, I mean individuals with years of training & multiple cycles behind them to get a good idea of how their body reacts to different compounds - preferably based on previous bloodwork results.
For everyone else, the traditional advice of using an AI through a cycle still applies and I strongly discourage you from following my advice at the end of this.
First, let's get some basics out of the way...
We already know that the body uses testosterone to synthesis estrogen (estradiol). In fact both substances are very similar with the only difference due to the changes caused by the enzyme Aromatase.
We should also be aware that Aromatase occurs throughout the body, not just in fat & muscle but also through the central nervous system, liver, etc.
Well known negative sides
Estrogen levels are naturally low for men and usually don't present an issue.
However large amounts can cause common sides such as fat gain, gynecomastia, water retention, etc.
This is why our community mainly focuses on limiting estrogen through AIs like Arimedex & AEs like Nolva.
I should mention that during a cut, limiting estrogen is beneficial to increase definition.
The benefits I'm about to explain will apply to inceasing muscle mass while bulking.
Benefits of Estrogen
Knowledgeable users are aware that estrogenic compounds are the best mass builders of all, but this isn't due simply to the extra water retention.
In fact Estrogen has a direct effect on anabolism in several ways.
Increased glucose use
Estrogen has a strong impact on how glucose is utilized within the muscle tissue through the G6PD enzyme, which influences glucose use for muscle growth & recovery.
G6D is also part of the Pentose Phosphate pathway, which determines the rate of cell synthesis for tissue repair.
To give a real life demonstration of this information, lets look at G6PD levels postworkout.
Multiple studies have shown that G6PD levels rise after muscle damage has occured in order to enhance recovery & estrogen is the key to G6PD availability for cells looking to recover:
Aromatization of androgens to estrogens - PubMed Mobile
This study showed a direct link between estrogen & G6PD when test prop administration on rats resulted in an increase in G6PD levels NOT due to the direct action of test, but due to the aromatization of test to estradiol.
This was further illustrated when non-aromatizable compounds like halotestin failed to show this effect in the same study.
The results of the study also showed that this positive rise in G6PD levels didn't occur when test prop was combined with an AI.
There are other studies combining test with an anti-androgen that illustrate this rise in G6D occurs independent of androgen receptors.
What all this shows is that estrogen, via the G6PD enzyme, can increase glucose utilization - this accelerates recovery & can lead to more growth in the future.
Estrogen & GH/IGF-1
IGF-1 is released through GH stimulus and is responsible for the anabolic activity of GH (increased protein synthesis, etc).
There are several studies showing multiple AIs & AEs reducing IGF-1 levels indirectly by lowering estrogen:
Aromatization of androgens to estrogens - PubMed Mobile
This study compared a group on trt with another on trt + Nolva.
The trt only group increased GH & IGF-1 while the trt + nolva group showed suppressed levels.
Androgen-stimulated pubertal growth: th - PubMed Mobile
This study showed that DHT, a non-aromatizable hormone, reduced GH/IGF-1, unlike test.
Estrogen clearly results in higher GH/IGF-1 levels, this gives users an advantage to building more muscle.
This advantage is completely lost when AIs, AEs and/or anti-estrogenic compounds are used.
Estrogen & fatigue
Estrogen is capable of promoting focus & wakefulness and, in our community, fatigue is a pretty common problem. Extreme estrogen suppression is one of the main causes of fatigue (as the bloodwork of alot of board members has shown).
Here's a study showing fatigue caused directly by estrogen suppression in women:
Premenstrual syndrome. - PubMed Mobile
There are other studies illustrating the same point by using Arimedex, Letrozole, etc as examples.
I should mention that non-aromatizable compounds can also cause fatigue - highlighting the need for test as a base.
This suppression can inhibit your gains due to an inability to train at full intensity.
Estrogen helps prevent fatigue by supporting serotonin, a neurotransmitter vital to being alert.
For guys who don't get regular bloodwork done (why?), I suggest looking at fatigue as a sign that your estrogen levels may be suppressed - this is detrimental to your gains on cycle.
Recommendations for advanced users
If the aim of the cycle is to build maximum muscle mass, then compounds made to control estrogen should be used cautiously.
In general, if you have no bad sides (bloodwork is reasonable) then the added estrogen from compounds like test, Dbol, etc will increase your energy & muscle mass.
So in conclusion, veterans who are in tune with their bodies or not prone to the sides may want to hold back on the estrogen control compounds to achieve maximum muscle mass during their cycle.
I could've written about the many health benefits of estrogen, but I though I'd keep it relevant to building muscle.
Hope this is useful for some of you.
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