Anybody used a test blend before? The lab I get my gear from makes a super test 350. It's 250mg enanthate and 100mg prop. I was thinking of giving it ago for my next cycle in the new year. Would like to hear anyones experience with blends.
Sounds like a painful blend, but some folks dig the mix of two esters (or more). I don't personally like blends because they remove some of the control I like to have with cycles, but I can see the appeal.
This ^^^^ and more. I don't agree with the dose half life pinning times. I'd rather do my long esters when scheduled and my short esters around and in between with cutting them off at certain times.
Some time ago I had some T400 blend that burned half way across my lumbar when I pinned my upper glute. Not the V-glute. I had to dilute it with some Deca.
I want to start a 3th cycle of Tren A and Test P.
.4 tren and .6 test p EOD. Great gains on first 2 cycles of 4-6 weeks each. Do you think its time to up the dosage? Also, would you recommend adding Dbol or Winny?
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