My Test E/P, Mast E/P, Primo E cycle.


New member
Experienced user. 18 years experience. 38 years old. 6'1" 224 pounds(light for me) bf is in the 10-11 range/vascular. Former professional athlete.
I'm going to Thailand for 3 months and have unlimited access to gear. I'll be using Meditech from a reliable business that's licensed to carry it. I wanted to stay away from the Tren's/Deca's due to possible sides/ED. Open for all critiques, good or bad. I just want to create a cycle that will make me the best package I've ever been.

Test E-450wk 1-16 (2 dose split M/Th)
Mast E-450wk 1-16 (")
Primo E-900wk 1-16 (")

Test P-350wk (50mg daily)
Mast P-350wk (50 mg daily)

Proviron @ 75-100 mg daily throughout
Arimidex on call if needed.

Totals with the Enan/Prop: 16 weeks
Test-800mg wk
Mast-800mg wk
Primo-900mg wk

First time running Primo but I have the time and money and willing to give it a chance.
My nutrition will be flawless taking in 350+ grams of protein from Whey Isolate, Egg/Egg white Mix, Chicken, Salmon, occasionally lean beef
Starchy carbs will mainly be sweet potatoes and brown rice
Veggies will be mixed with broccoli etc.
High glycemic carb post workout with my isolate.
Training schedule will be 5-6 days weekly doing two a days with boxing/grappling for my cardio.
I'll adjust my caloric intake as a see fit.
The thought that pops into my head is BAM!!!, like the old Batman comics where he lands a punch on a bad guy.

Sounds like a wild ride, please keep us posted.
I gotta say with 18 years of experience your worried about sides from tren and deca and you have adex on hand in case something happens? I would say having adex on hand and not using it will surely cause bad sides. Hope your getting blood work because that's a shit ton of gear...