Experienced athlete but need help w/first cycle

Hey, I'm a pro mma fighter looking to start a 6-8 week cycle of sust 250. Can someone give me an easy formula. Already have my gear but the more I read the more complex it seems to get with the ai's and the serms for post cycle therapy (pct). Lol everyone seems to have their own opinion. I was going to run 1000 mg for 6-8 wks. What Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and dosage/duration should I run on cycleif applicable and same for my post cycle therapy (pct). Please keep it simple stupid. Really appreciate some feed back from some if the experiend guys on here.Thx
u should not be running a gram a week for ur first cycle man.

500mg split pins mon & thurs. liquid Adex can be purchased from RUI products a sponsor here as well as clomid and nolva for PCT.
First off thx for the response. Couple questions, liquid adex is an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) correct? How much a day/ and duration? Same question for for nolva. Read to wait 3 weeks after last pen of 20 mg a day but dent say for how long. And I hear ya on that 500 mg split....my pens are measured by the cc. Would that be half a cc twice a week bro?
I would take the a-dex at 0.5 mgs daily as you don't want to completely shut off estro production, just minimize it. Also, as he stated, drop your test down to 500 and if you have access get some hcg to run during your cycle. Clomid will work for your post cycle therapy (pct). Sustanon has long estered test attached so you will need to continue a-dex at least 2 weeks after last inject and start clomid once it clears your system, so two to three weeks afterwards.

Yes a-dex is an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). How many mg's per cc? If it's 250 then you do a full cc twice a week to reach 500 total.
Bro, way too much for first cycle. You got virgin receptors dude youre gona blow up with 500mg a week, trust me save your stuff. And if you go 500 run it for 12 since you have enough and id pin mon wed fri . 7 for post cycle clomid 40/40/40/40 nolva 20/20/20/20/10. Worked for me!!