Experiences with testosterone?


New member
Hello. I'd like to have advice on Testosterone cycle (timing--length of cycle). Also, is it going to aromatize into estrogen inside a woman's body (and if there's a need to take anti-estrogen?) It will aromatize inside men's bodies, because of excess tesosterone, but since women have little testosterone of their own and lots of estrogen, should it aromatize?
Info is really appreciated.
ps: please don't advise me to change steroid to Anavar, etc, I had made up my mind and also I have a legal testosterone prescription from US physician due to health reasons.
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What kind of prescription? Is it cypionate or a cream? I just had my hormones tested and they prescribed me testoterone cream, 1mg per day, because I am low. Cypionate will change you pretty quick just from what I have seen. My best friend Katie turned into Ian doing cypionate injections, although I dont know his dosage. She grew facial hair within 2 months of her sex-change therapy using test. cypionate injections.
What kind of prescription? Is it cypionate or a cream? I just had my hormones tested and they prescribed me testoterone cream, 1mg per day, because I am low. Cypionate will change you pretty quick just from what I have seen. My best friend Katie turned into Ian doing cypionate injections, although I dont know his dosage. She grew facial hair within 2 months of her sex-change therapy using test. cypionate injections.

Thats what will happen, even with a product like testro-gel you will see some masculine sides like hair growth, voice deepening, clitoral enlargement.
Hello. I'd like to have advice on Testosterone cycle (timing--length of cycle). Also, is it going to aromatize into estrogen inside a woman's body (and if there's a need to take anti-estrogen?) It will aromatize inside men's bodies, because of excess tesosterone, but since women have little testosterone of their own and lots of estrogen, should it aromatize?
Info is really appreciated.
ps: please don't advise me to change steroid to Anavar, etc, I had made up my mind and also I have a legal testosterone prescription from US physician due to health reasons.

What other cycles have you done (length and drugs used)?

Are you currently on any birth control?

What are your goals?

What type of test are you planning on using and dosages? Or what is your prescription for?

I cant, with good judgment, give you blind advice.

Even after a few days of using test. (depending on what kind you use) you can have irreversible side effects with no desired results.

Welcome to the board!
Thanks for the replies... I forgot to ask my doc if it does aromatize into estrogen.

I plan to use cypionate T. I was wondering if there's a best time during the monthly cycle to start a steroid to avoid some bad reaction... As to birth control pills, never used them.

No, I haven't done cycles before, as I was all-natural. I have a prescription for transgender, but I want to start off cycling on and off and see how my body responds, and may be I'll end up always just cycling as I don't want to compromise my health.

I'm not a bodybuilder, I do a lot of dance, so too much muscle mass gained fast is bad for me (I do have several years of lifting weights), but I'll still be working out a lot while taking T (will keep doing plyometrics/jumps and lift for power/strength, not size, and will keep doing pullups--I'm 140lbs, 13% bodyfat, 5'8", so I'm not totally muscle-less (train in strength/endurance ranges mostly and need to stay light). Just don't want a lot more mass, some more upper body muscle, esp traps, pecs and forearms.

So, my goals are: to get as much androgenic effect out of T during the cycle, to take my dancing to the next level (currently unable to recover from leg routines), increase strength and somewhat increase my muscle mass.

I wonder about length of cycle--2 or 3 months, may be? Wonder if to take Novedex XT estrogen blocker, or may be even stronger stuff with it, and if there's a need for it...
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What kind of prescription? Is it cypionate or a cream? I just had my hormones tested and they prescribed me testoterone cream, 1mg per day, because I am low. Cypionate will change you pretty quick just from what I have seen. My best friend Katie turned into Ian doing cypionate injections, although I dont know his dosage. She grew facial hair within 2 months of her sex-change therapy using test. cypionate injections.

I'd rather start off with a cream to start slow and see my tolerance for it, it didn't occur to me, but I already filled my prescription don't want to waste money.
If you're going to do it we can't stop you. The only advice I can give to you is start at a very very extremely low dose.

You obviously know what could possibly happen. So just be careful.

No it won't aromatize.. exogenous testosterone will suppress your estrogen levels.. You WILL see virilization... however, since you are transgender, they are the results you want which is why doctors put women on test that want to become men..
Cyp injections will do the trick.. However your DOCTOR should have you on a specific program to follow.. your DOCTOR should outline your exact cycle length, strength etc..
You do not need nolvadex right now.. that may be needed down the road, but certainly not now..

You may want to start with the cream to gauge how your body will react.. But an androgenic reaction is what you stated you desire.. Test cyp will produce androgenic IRREVERSIBLE effects.. so do make sure you are 110% in your decision!!

Also as per when to start during your menstrual cycle.. I would do it right after your period which will probably be one of your last ones.. testosterone therapy will stop your periods. Again.. a desired result.

Hope this has helped some..
Best of luck to you!!

Thanks for advice! You see I'm not too comfortable with the way US doctors do this. They put you on a high dose of T right away and not on a cycle but permanent. In a few month you can enter a menopause, especially if you're in your 30s already, but no one knows if it's safe. Doctors admit that there're no studies on long-term T use in genetic females, so it's fullly at your own risk. Now if you don't have money for a surgery several years later, you're going to be screwed big, big time and can just die.
I'm naturally high testosterone (over 100) and I'm not ready to permanently lose my hormone system yet. So I want to run cycles to get virilization and more muscle, but I don't want to get permanent shut down of my own system yet, that's why cycles. Doctors have zero advice on cycles since it's not a part of formal stuff in medical books. Obviously, cycles are way safer than using T all the time.

They prescribed me a low dose of 100mg every 2 weeks to start (they usually up it to 200mg/week), but for me even this dose is too high as my body reacts badly for first 3 days as levels peak (lethargy and pressure in my head!)... so yes, I do use even lower dose than doctor prescribed till my next appointment where I will ask for a T cream instead.

Don't think it's really possible to get noticeable virilization for T cypionate under 100mg/month ....I mean I read that women with low T, esp. post-menopausal women, get prescriped 30-60mg of T cypionate per month a lot (for low sex drive) so if this could cause virilization (especially in absence of estrogen) they'd not prescribe this probably...

What's most amazing though is that since I've been lifting though I didn't plan to--I don't feel any soreness where I'd usually be sore, don't feel fatigue, and don't feel anything I'd usually feel after lifting. (I find that soreness and fatique quite pleasant and T cypionate took it away!)
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Just FYI, any tendonitis/shoulder impingment sufferers: one month of small testosterone cypionate dose made a great difference for my tendinitis and allowed me to lift pain-free (and least with greatly reduced pain) in the shoulders again.