Explanation for my DNP cycle?


New member
I have strange experience with DNP I started it one week then I had to stop cause of a dramatic increase in body temperature , few days later I started again and now it has been a week ON (400mg/day) my weight dropped from 80 to 75kg but the body analyzer in the gym shows that I increased fats by 1kg and decreased 6kg muscles and my bf went from 11.9% to 14%bf , so I decided to use the ordinary fat caliper maybe the analyzer is not accurate I found myself also 14%bf ,my diet is simply fruits and grilled chicken so what's happening ?
DNP makes you bloat and hold a lot more water so you will look like crap while you're on it. Usually takes a week after you stop taking it to truly see your results, once your glycogen fills up again. I wouldn't worry about what your caliper says, wait till you end the cycle to see the results.
DNP makes you bloat and hold a lot more water so you will look like crap while you're on it. Usually takes a week after you stop taking it to truly see your results, once your glycogen fills up again. I wouldn't worry about what your caliper says, wait till you end the cycle to see the results.

and the case I look nearly the same ,a lot weaker , and 5kg less in theory !!!