Explosive Short Cycles to avoid hairloss

  • Thread starter 30InchAAsWheels
  • Start date


I simply can not afford to lose my hair, I want to do explosive short cycles to avoid DHT attack of my hair foliicles. Since it's the duration your follicle is attacked by DHT that is the main culprit I would like to try and do the shortest cycles possible that would get me a couple of pounds gain 3-5lbs is more then enough and then quickly allow my endocrine system to drop back to homeostasis.

Tren would be ideal apart from it is very surpressive and shuts you don't hard no matter how short a cycle, things like EQ/Var/Test/Tbol all take to long for results to be seen...which is why I like the look of Dbol..it has extremly QUICK result at low dose, it has an very short half life (4hrs or so) so would be out the system very quickly....I also like the look of Androl but I think that's virtually impossible to hang onto the gains, I know Dbol is also difficult but not as bad.

I have read lots of short cycles but they all concentrate on Tren...

I know alot of people are going to read this and want to offer all sorts of advise that completely changes the above plan but please just stick to my question.

Are quick 2-3 week cycles possible with Dbol with keepable gains ? I will run post cycle therapy (pct) and AI.

I would be very interested on some input on this.
DUDE, d-bol is terriable for hairloss. I'm not sure if it will effect u on that short of duration but i have never used dbol soo. I would imagine you can do a couple of things...

npp stand alone, say 3 weeks on 4 off

test prop/var w/propecia or dut ,3 weeks on 4 off

and then go from there, maybe nothing at all will be better but in the end these two are probably your best options i'm thinking

my appaulogises, i read this again and i guess that doesn't help your ? Keep them cycles in mind anyway

good luck
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eventually the dht would reach your hair follicles. for example my friends gets acne from test, he even gets new pimples a few weeks after he comes off.

why not try a steroid like Anavar (var) or primo or tbol that has little hairloss. also look into spiro cream and finastride.
mine thinned

simpllyhuge said:
eventually the dht would reach your hair follicles. for example my friends gets acne from test, he even gets new pimples a few weeks after he comes off.

why not try a steroid like Anavar (var) or primo or tbol that has little hairloss. also look into spiro cream and finastride.

I was planning on the same 3on 4 off and small gains like you are suggesting.
I tried a short 3 week cycle and 4 week off and I STILL have shoulder acne and all these little bumps looking to turn into pimples. SO I abandoned the next cycle.
I am also prone to MPB so I am giving up on the TEST and going back to Var.
Two cycles of up to 60MG for 8 weeks Anavar (var) did nothing to my hair. 3 weeks on test Enthanate and it seems it's thinner and frizzier ( a sign the follice is usually showns before stopping to produce hair)
I also use propecia, Nizoral shampoo , minoxidol and Spiro spray!
Anadrol, Tren, and D bol are three of the worst culprits when it comes to causing hair loss if you're prone to MPB.

If you are dead set on doing shorter cycles, you may want to check out mesomorphosis.com and do a search on Bill Roberts. He's a big proponent of 2 and three week cycles and has written several articles on the subject.