Extreme Cycle


New member
What is the best cycle to incorporate Aquatest, Enethenate, Clomid, Deca, Methyltest, anadrol, masteron, tren, and Igf-1? Looking for insight for length and when to cycle in different drugs.
You do not need all this shit. Do some more research. Your probrably just gonna want to go with 500mg test per week for 12 weeks. LOOK UP THAT CYCLE.

Find out the half-life of the ester you choose. Look up when to start post cycle therapy (pct). After this look up nolvadex and clomid.

If you try doing all this at once you WILL fuck yourself up. Don't even think about it. Learn the basics 1st.

You can't just take a bunch of shit like this and come back. A LOT of people that use roids are on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for life and they will never produce testosterone on their own EVER again. Most of the time this is by choice... some people make poor choices though and do this accidently. Don't be that guy... Stick with Test E cycle buddy.

I am not new to the game I have done what you have already suggested. I was not looking to take all at once, but was looking for someone that has some competitive experience that can give some advice on how to space out and utilize these specific drugs to get the best results! I have my own game plan but looking for some experienced advice.
Stats: 35yo, 255lbs, 18%, training will consist of 2 body parts a day. Chest/shoulders, Back/traps, legs, bi/tri. Mon tues off wed thurs weekend off. Calves and abs alternated every day. 4 exercises/4 sets per body part. Obviously bulking will be higher weight lower reps and cutting will be more reps with lower weight. Diet during bulking will consist of high protein and high carbs. 6 meals a day 3 of wich consist of real food other 3 are shakes. 400mg of protein and 25 to 35mg of carbs per meal. Diet phase protein the same but leaner meat and carbs will slower taper. Cardio will be maintained throughout process but get more aggressive during diet phase. post cycle therapy (pct) consist of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) between phases and after last phase.