Extreme sweating...help!!!


Ok, so I've noticed over the past few months I sweat like a beast in the gym which I really don't mind much.
But in the past couple weeks I've been sweating at alot of other times to where it's become a little uncomfortable.
Specifically sitting in the barber chair the other day.
I've got this gorgeous latina that cuts my hair...we get 5 min in and she I can feel the sweat running down my back and the side of my face!
I get a pretty low cut so I'm sure a sweaty haid is making her job a little difficult, lol.
I was so fkn hot by the end, and this is after her "Blowdrying" my face and neck and using powder on me 3 or 4 times...She says get up, come here. Walks me over to the sink and gives me a good 10 minute shampoo, rinse, face moisturizer...the works!!! lol
I mean I really enjoyed the treat but this sweating is starting to worry me.
doesnt sound like anything to worry about... as your cardiovascular system improves, you tend to sweat more. im the same way, especially when a good looking girl is there, always seems to be the worst times but it happens. for example, ill play a game of hockey, shower after the game, get home and relax and ill start sweating.
doesnt sound like anything to worry about... as your cardiovascular system improves, you tend to sweat more. im the same way, especially when a good looking girl is there, always seems to be the worst times but it happens. for example, ill play a game of hockey, shower after the game, get home and relax and ill start sweating.
True...funny I was with a straight up booty call last week and I'm wrkn pretty hard just finger banging her.
There I go, sweating it up...not like drg but still uncomfortable.
I flip her over to let her straddle me and my dick is "Outta there"!!! lol
Gave it 10 minutes and he came bk till the illy bitch mentions the word!!! Ahhhhh!!! lol
You can use sage [salvia officinalis] tea or capsules to diminish the sweating. ;)
Hmmm, Ill chk into that too bro. Thanx.
A chick in the medical field said it was definitely the test, I need to back off on my dosesa bit.
Been runing 550mg/wk Andropen.
I've reently cut it in halfmostly due to financial reasons.
But...Looking into T400/HGH. Fingers crossed.