Fake dianabol? Please help


New member
Hi guys I'm on my 4th day of dbol only, using 40mg ad with 10mg, company is called gentech labs, I haven't felt anything at all no weight gain or pubs I have some pictures if this helps? Just want to know what you guys think

Hi guys I'm on my 4th day of dbol only, using 40mg ad with 10mg, company is called gentech labs, I haven't felt anything at all no weight gain or pubs I have some pictures if this helps? Just want to know what you guys think


do you feel/see any type of sides positive or negative? are you doing blood works during any of this? that would be a great and best way to make sure your gear is good to go. hows the liver feeling?
4 days is probably (not necessarily but PROBABLY) too brief an amount of time to judge legitimacy of dbol in my experience. Give it through the weekend.

Goes without saying that your calories should be nice and high.
4th day is not relevant, i think it`s to early to see gains.Personally, i start to fell d-bol after 10 days.Are u taking the 40 mg once ? try to take 10 mg every 3-4 h , it`s much better
4th day is not relevant, i think it`s to early to see gains.Personally, i start to fell d-bol after 10 days.Are u taking the 40 mg once ? try to take 10 mg every 3-4 h , it`s much better

No offence but when I read the 4 day nothing comment I though WTF ? I have gone several days with different gear and felt nothing. Just because it is an oral does not mean it is going to be effective in four days. If you said 7 , 8, 9 days well I would wonder.

But you have not told us what other compound you are using , if any ?
How about a bit of history and your cycle protocol for this cycle.

AS Appleton asked what about ANY others sides. Think...how fast do you think you can grow even a little bit of MM. It even will take a few more days probably to gain water. AND water is the first gain, water only. ALSO another thing is how is your calorie intake. ? That would maybe be a problem for gaining water. Gains pumps, let us see you basic workout pattern .

So get back with us with a few answers, we all like to learn more. :)

OH Dbol only...you've been here a while wat up?