fat calipers


New member
didnt know where to post this, but i figured id get the most views here so:

i bought myself some fat calipers, but the book it comes with only tells you to measure 1 place (above the hip) and find BF from there.

now my question is: does anyone have any info on other places to measure and how to calculate bf from those measurements, because i figured the more places i measure the more accurate the reading

tx, thx for the site, but i can't find out what my measurements mean now at those 3 sites :p it does it digitally if you buy that product the diagram is for ... ive heard something about the "Jackson and Pollock body density equation." so im gonna do a search on that and see what it results!
(Assuming youre talking about the ACCU measure) I tried one of the sites where you measure 3 areas and I also used just one area for another test and the results were both very close. However, I still think it wasnt accurate.