Fatloss / Definition cycle for the wife


New member
My wife wants to drop a few .lbs and build some muscle at the same time. Get a nice definition going.

I put her on Clen for now and we're going to add Winstrol in the mix. T3/T4 is also going to be added later on. (If need be)

Sadly we can't get Anavar, which would have been the best. So don't even mention that, my source doesn't carry it. :(

Now what I'd like to know (preferably from women) is how much Winstrol do they take?

We decided to start out with 10mg and eventually take it up to 20mg. Is that a good amount for a woman ?

If anyone here has done that, how did the results turn out?
Shes taking Clen 3 days on 3 days off. I've been thinking maybe she should take the Win only on the days shes not on Clen. How much of a good idea would that be? I don't know too much about the importance of stable blood levels with Win.