Feedback on last 9 months please!

If you get a chance Gaijin, Bigben or anyone else just to give me a little feedback on my last post, it'd be much appreciated!
Here's what I'd do, others feel free to chime in...

Stop pinning immediately.

Pin HCG EOD from now until 3 days before PCT @500iu every other day.

I'd run a 6 week Clomid and 8 week Nolvadex PCT, starting them together and tailing the Nolvadex off for an extra 2 weeks.

Clomid: 100/75/75/50/50/50
Nolvadex: 40/40/40/20/20/20/20/20

This is what I'd class as a relatively aggressive PCT, I am NOT guaranteeing recovery, you have been ON a ridiculously long time.
But this gives you a good chance.

Remember: you will need to wait 24 days minimum after last Equipoise pin before commencing PCT to allow this to clear. Stop the Test Enanthate 18 days before PCT.

Good luck!
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Hi again Ben,

a lot of the Australian bodybuilding forums (at least 3) have threads recommending using resveratrol and hcg for PCT (and no clomid), and based on that I was considering doing this, so still blasting the HCG as you suggested but running a 4 week ultimate stack from here:

and then hopefully that should get me right and no need to use clomid, wouldn't mind your thoughts on that if possible?
Even though I don't pct due to being on TRT I can tell you you need pharmaceutical gear, not some lifting supplement. You've done a number on your body- you need to do a proper, aggressive pct. blast hcg, then nolvadex and Clomid together for a month.

Hope this goes well for you.
Even though I don't pct due to being on TRT I can tell you you need pharmaceutical gear, not some lifting supplement. You've done a number on your body- you need to do a proper, aggressive pct. blast hcg, then nolvadex and Clomid together for a month.

Hope this goes well for you.

Thanks Gaijin, I'll do just that, I think these guys must have a vested interest in the products because the international forums don't support what they are saying at all.
Also did a blood test on Monday so waiting for results of that, and will do another a few weeks after PCT, is that usually the go?

Best tests I could get done without too many hassles were:

Free & Total Testosterone

Hopefully that will be sufficient for comparison, is there anything super important left out?
Should work fine. I'd have gotten CBC (complete blood count) and cholesterol done. You could just go to your doc and have that done. Your hemocrit and cholesterol could be elevated if your gear was ligit.

Really all you're looking at now is estradiol. The testosterone results will show if/how potent your gear is. If it's low you've been had because it should still be quite high from your latest cycle. At least from test c, not sure what the equi does to test levels.

If your psa is good no need to get it tested again next time.

Keep us posted. I think blood test 4 weeks after pct is recommended but not 100% sure.

Good luck.
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Should work fine. I'd have gotten CBC (complete blood count) and cholesterol done. You could just go to your doc and have that done. Your hemocrit and cholesterol could be elevated if your gear was light.

Really all you're looking at now is estradiol. The testosterone results will show if/how potent your gear is. If it's low you've been had because it should still be quite high from your latest cycle. At least from test c, not sure what the equi does to test levels.

If your psa is good no need to get it tested again next time.

Keep us posted. I think blood test 4 weeks after pct is recommended but not 100% sure.

Good luck.

Cheers Gaijin, will do
Hi Guys,

Got my results back this morning (bloods taken 1 day after last test-e shot, so both Test & EQ should be fully loaded):

PSA : 0.6 ug/L (Normal Range <2.5 ug/L)
Oestradiol : 240 pmol/L (Normal Range <190 pmol/L)
Total T: 69 nmol/L Normal Range 10 - 35 nmol/L)
Free T : 2457 pmol/L (Normal Range 225 - 725 pmol/L)

At first glance my Estrogen seems too high and Test maybe too low if the gear was fully dosed, what do people think?

Plan now is to re-test 4 weeks after PCT and hope I'm in normal range for everything, is that right?

Hi Guys,

Got my results back this morning (bloods taken 1 day after last test-e shot, so both Test & EQ should be fully loaded):

PSA : 0.6 ug/L (Normal Range <2.5 ug/L)
Oestradiol : 240 pmol/L (Normal Range <190 pmol/L)
Total T: 69 nmol/L Normal Range 10 - 35 nmol/L)
Free T : 2457 pmol/L (Normal Range 225 - 725 pmol/L)

At first glance my Estrogen seems too high and Test maybe too low if the gear was fully dosed, what do people think?

Plan now is to re-test 4 weeks after PCT and hope I'm in normal range for everything, is that right?


I think you switched free test and total test values, yes?

If that's the case then your previous assumptions were correct. Gear seems a little underdosed and e levels are a bit high.

Not surprising that the gear isn't potent considering the amount you've done in the past year and the lack of progress you've made.

Are you taking an ai currently? If so keep it up through pct. Any high e symptoms? Oily skin, water retention/bloating, crying like a little bitch? :angel:
Hi Gaijin,

The Doc actually listed them the way round it's written, but he must have mixed them up.

I've blasted HCG as Big Ben suggested and I'm about to start a nolva/clomid stack, I do have arimidex but have never used it.

I have noticed a few pimples and some stomach bloating, that's all so far, no crying like a little bitch as yet :)
Hi @GaijinJapan

Ran a 4 week PCT of Clomid+Nolva 100/100/50/50 and 40/40/20/20, after blasting HCG during the break from last jab to just before first day of PCT.

Have lost some size and weight, kinda back to square one where I was a year ago, maybe a bit more muscle but not a heap.

Pretty disappointing, gonna re-do bloods 4~6 weeks from the end of PCT (that's the ideal time from what I've read), and then butter up for another cycle in the new year, will try and get a lot of advice on the forum before diving into another one and hopefully get better results.

I've felt fine both during cycle and during PCT, really nothing bothered me and had no side effects at all from anything, bloods prove that the stuff was legit as well so not sure exactly where I was going wrong, I do realise my diet probably wasn't optimal so have a lot to think about before next cycle!
Keep up the intensity in training and calories.

I think we determined that your gear was underdosed, so that, in addition to diet, is a factor.

Disappointing is when you tank your test levels permanently and have to go on trt for life. Seeing as you feel pretty decent you may have dodged a bullet on that.

Consider this a lesson learned. Always do your own research, always source your own gear from a trusted source and don't cycle unless your training and diet are spot on. Otherwise you'll endanger your health and end up where you started anyhow.

Let us know how the blood work goes in 4-6 then we can get you ready for your first proper cycle.

Cheers mate.

Edit- remember to get complete blood count and cholesterol done on your next round of bloods. You could go to the doc now, you don't have to wait 4-6 and its standard blood work that won't give away anything.
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