Feedback on last 9 months please!

Cheers for the feedback.

I read on different threads that 4~6 weeks after the end of PCT is when you should get bloods, as they can still be elevated or haven't bottomed our from the cycle, is that right?

Am I right in waiting instead of getting bloods now?

I have a list from a forum (assuming doc will allow it) for what to get tested:

Test (total and free), Estrogen, Cortisol, SHBG, LH/FSH, Cholesterol, LDL, HDL.

Is that pretty comprehensive?

If I get rejected by the doc I can always fallback on the test I know I can buy privately which I did before, but only gives me free and total T, Oestradiol and PSA.
You can go now to get a complete blood count and cholesterol done as part of a regular doctors checkup or get it all done in 6 weeks. Your hematocrit and cholesterol won't likely change significantly during those 6 weeks. Test levels and estradiol may change significantly.
Okay did the bloods exactly 6 weeks after the end of PCT:

Test: 14.9 (10~35) (was 69.1 three months ago)
SHBG: 32 (10~50) (was 18 three months ago)
Free Test: 315 (225~725) (was 2,457 three months ago)
FAI: 46.6 (20~160) (was 383.9 three months ago)
FSH: 4 (<9)
LH: 4 (<8)
Prolactin: 210 (<330)
Chol: 5.1 (<5.5)
Trig: 0.8 (<2.0)
HDL-C: 1.4 (>0.9)
LDL-C: 3.3 (<3.4)
TSH: 5.54 (0.4~4)

Only thing over the target range is TSH, not sure if I should be concerned or not about that, Test is on the lower end as well ...
Just to clarify, the Test and Free Test are in 10 ***8211; 36 nmol/L and 174-729 pmol/L respectively.

Converting to the US standards puts my Total Test at 447 (normal range 300~1050) ng/DL and Free Test at 9.1 (normal range 5~21) ng/DL
Just had a closer look and my total test while in the overall normal range is around the average for a 75 year old, yikes! Is it possible that my naturals haven't fully kicked in yet? :/