feedback on upcoming PH cycle. Thanks.


Cool As Fuck
Lifting regularly 2.5 years after a long break
32 yrs
14% bf
195lb @ 6'
max bench 375
max squat 550
max deadlift 400

3 aas cycles under my belt

Looking to try PH because my wife is bitching that I'm too aggressive on my last cycle. Probably the tren, masteron, prop, anavar mix ***128514;***128514;***128514;

This is the stack i bought today.
Assault labs M-STEN 3/4/4/4/3 (caps daily)
Assault labs Blockade 3/3/3/3/3
Vital labs post cycle 4/4/4/4/4
IronMag epistane-andro 2/4/4/4/2
NAC 600mg 2/2/2/2/2

Nolva 40/40/20/20
Clomid 100/50/50/50
Raloxifene on hand

How does this look ? I know they are really toxic so just trying to cover everything
Mk 2866 and s4 stack. I get better strength gains from S4 then I do on tren it's androgenic and anabolic. Mk 2866 is great all around for bulking or cutting it's super anabolic.
Jesus christ ! Well since i bought my stack already I'll go ahead and run that afterwards
osta/s4 is an unreal stack man. i know they say diet is everything, but i've noticed some good recomp on this stack even with a mediocre diet. Nothing compares to sarmssearch products. i never got results like that from other companies. if you plan on running that stack at some point, you should order soon while they have a 30% off discount. Use the code SIZZLE30
Good shit ! Ya ill pick up those 2 next week along with 5 bottles test 2 and hcg. Probably should get adex as well. Nerve then in 3 weeks i can go hard as fuq again.

So when the PH is done at 5 weeks I'll switch to osta/s4 whole running 500mg test per week. Should see shove really sweet gains
good stuff, do you blast and cruise? cuz that's a bit long to be on anabolics.

also i've only ever ran sarms by themselves, and once since i started trt along with 200mg/wk test cyp, so it will be interesting seeing how they stack with traditional AAS. even just a high test dose would be interesting.
No i don't blast and cruise but i run 20 week cycle last time around with great results and fast recovery. I'm getting ansy right now and would like to strty my PH right now but i will wait until i have test on hand
So your proposing superdrol for 5 wks at 30mg???

That's like running tren sides wise. 10-20mg pre WO with 400mg of tes would be a much more mild run
Any "M" ph I thought was SD. Could be wrong. Just a heads up

Thx bro. Ya I'm still doing research even tho i have the stack at home. From what I've gathered so far ppl run msten @ 20-30mg ed. Should be really nice alongside 750mg test e per week