Feeling like Im reaching a plateau

That's why you run high weight low volume on the big 4(squat, bench, dead, and overhead press) and use the rest as bodybuilder "accessory" movements.

My program has me going heavy for the one of the 4 movements above and much lighter on 4 accessory movements each day I train. When it's all said and done, I'd do 3 sets of heavy work and 16 lighter bodybuilder stuff.

^ this right here is basically what I'm doing just with a different progression on the mains (Avido does 5/3/1) and a liiiitle bit more volume for the accessory work. You could try something like that, but I would still recommend the push / pull / legs split for now.
It's also worth asking how your form is on those movements.

Bro form is el perfecto. That's all i practiced before I even started truly lifting. 3 months at the start of my training last year was solely on form control. My boy hates me cause I am really strict on this. I have to control every movement. If I feel for a second that my form has dropped I will put the weight down move to a lower weight and finish the rest of my reps out with that weight.
(Avido does 5/3/1) and a liiiitle bit more volume for the accessory work. You could try something like that, but I would still recommend the push / pull / legs split for now.

Just googled this and omfg lol. This is the shit. It sounds like I would be blowing chunks of my lunch all over the place. Gonna keep researching this one. You sir and Avido have created a monster lol.
I see you found some help, I told you there are good guys here. Good luck brother!!!
Yeah these guys have been amazing. I seriously can't wait to put everything into effect. I decided I'm going to get foods and snacks out my system tomorrow. Saturday im going to fast and then Sunday Im going to work. 6 months no break just hard work and dedication. Time to pay my blood sweat and tears to the cause.
Good luck on whatever program you choose ; I"m biased I think everyone should do a fullbody 5x5 type regime for a few months . Most guys cant handle it , especially after the first 5 working sets of squats . I modified my 5x5 by only having 3 working sets , and 3 progressive warm-up sets , so you could call it a 6x6 or a 3x5 depending . Whenever I start back bodybuilding exercises and then go back to powerlifting (5x5) its amazing how much weaker I have become . Right now my max squat is down 50 lbs and bench 20 lbs. it will pick back up as I progress into the winter . Should be more PR"s this year !! ~Bo