"female" hormonal balancing


New member
I am always asked about estrogen and progesterone and the effects of steroids on the two.. Here are some signs to look for so that you may accurately tell if your "female" hormones are deficient as well as ways to balance them again...

Estrogen and Progesterone Deficiency:
Dry skin
Swollen breasts
Loss of libido
Low thyroid
Facial hair
Hot flashes
Night sweats
Vaginal dryness
Foggy thinking
Memory lapses
Sleep disturbances
Heart palpitations
Bone loss
Water retention

Please also realize that all these signs can ALSO been seen if your estrogen and progesterone levels are NOT balanced.. If your estrogen is dominant and your progesterone is suppressed, you may also experience some or all of the above sides!!
Accurate blood testing is the only way to really know your hormonal levels and advise for an plan of attack for balancing your hormones...

some natural choices to balance estrogen and progesterone are as follows:
Black cohosh
binkgo biloba

clomid, profasi, etc are estrogen replacements
andriol is test but it converts to estrogen in the body thus aiding to balance hormones.. (i have personally used with success this product)

Post cycle (an androgenic/anabolic cycle) women may experience suppressed "female"hormones.. over a given time, they may return naturally, but the sides can be a real pain.. so post cycle therapy may be necessary.. Above there are several options for post cycle therapy..

Good luck girls and i hope this helps bit.. It is just a GLANCE and touches on the surface of hormonal balancing.. it can get quite intriciate and really a doctor's supervision is recommended!!

luv super
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Supergirl, on the money as usual. (but Femara is an aromatase inhibitor, inhibits test to estrogen conversion ;-)

Excellent source book I recommend to many women of all ages, and that has been invaluable for my wife:

Natural Hormone Balance for Women, by Uzzi Reiss, MD.
buffdoc said:
Supergirl, on the money as usual. (but Femara is an aromatase inhibitor, inhibits test to estrogen conversion ;-)

Excellent source book I recommend to many women of all ages, and that has been invaluable for my wife:

Natural Hormone Balance for Women, by Uzzi Reiss, MD.

thank you for pointing that out.. see, even goddesses make mistakes lol.. j/k

femara suppresses estrogen.. DUH.. i knew that, but typed it anyway.. i was thinking fast and had that in my mind as one not to use :) oh well.. thanks :)

so doc.. is there anything else we can use to raise our estrogen levels post cycle?? any other suggestions??

thanks for contributing.. i was hoping you would chime in!!