few questions guys: help needed


New member
Firstly some info about me: 27yo, 5'7, 192lbs. No idea bf% prob 12-15% (too scared to get checked lol, will get it done after my bulk). im on my third cycle test e 600mg, deca 400mg a week, adex .5 ed. Im on week 7 atm going till 15 weeks, was about 180lbs (12%) when i started.
1) im thinking about doing a bodybuilding comp in 20 weeks, i am wondering if i can blast hcg after i finish deca and go onto a low dose tren acetate for the remainder weeks to the comp to cut up or should i blast just before pct or will tren and deca be to supressive on the same cycle.
2) My arms havnt grown since my first cycle, which is nearly two years, ive tried high reps, low reps, one day a week, 3 days a week, slow eccentrics, fast etc. any tips? my arms are only 15 inches and don't look proportionate to the rest of my body

I will address only the arms (biceps). I always careful not to over train. So twice a week. So for a few months here I was doing them like two days in a row. A heavy and extremely intense day and a lighter more rep day. BUT back to back days, skip a day and do it again.

It is working due to my very quick recovery time.
Firstly some info about me: 27yo, 5'7, 192lbs. No idea bf% prob 12-15% (too scared to get checked lol, will get it done after my bulk). im on my third cycle test e 600mg, deca 400mg a week, adex .5 ed. Im on week 7 atm going till 15 weeks, was about 180lbs (12%) when i started.
1) im thinking about doing a bodybuilding comp in 20 weeks, i am wondering if i can blast hcg after i finish deca and go onto a low dose tren acetate for the remainder weeks to the comp to cut up or should i blast just before pct or will tren and deca be to supressive on the same cycle.
2) My arms havnt grown since my first cycle, which is nearly two years, ive tried high reps, low reps, one day a week, 3 days a week, slow eccentrics, fast etc. any tips? my arms are only 15 inches and don't look proportionate to the rest of my body


1) i dont get what your asking...please explain more
2) the best advice and analogy i can give you is ... your large body parts are like the minute hand on the clock and you see the progress more quickly, yet muscles like your arms are like the hour hand, they grow but you don't notice the change as quickly as with larger body parts...

also unless your taking measurements sometimes you can't notice growth due to all your other body parts also growing
hi, ive been trying something similar for the last two weeks doing a heavy lower rep workout in the morning and then a higher rep pump workout in the evening, only been doing it once a week though
1) is it ok to take tren at a low dose after the deca clears for a month or so?
i have just taken the normal in the middle of the arm measurement, they may be fuller all over, cant really tell, my arms are very lean also
It's ok to take tren with/after deca, but you know that the more time you shut down the more recovery gets harder
First of all hcg should be used from 1st week..
Regarding your question , I used to blast few years ago, but not I'm keeping a steady hcg dosage from week 1 till the end at 250*2 times / week.
Different schools and different approaches for hcg usage but for sure it helps in recovery..