
mranak is just a little parinoid when it comes to the liver.....not a bad idea to have a panel done once in a while
diddydidit said:
mranak is just a little parinoid when it comes to the liver.....
After getting my liver enzymes in April, I have good reason to be. I was doing heavy damage to my liver and I wouldn't have had a clue if not for the bloodwork.
what made u get your bloodwork done...nice thing about the liver is that its the only organ that will regenerate itself...if the damage isnt to bad you should be fine in a couple months..

btw i was just teasing i read your enzyme post in the convo lounge..peace mranak
diddydidit said:
what made u get your bloodwork done
Me? I get bloodwork done every three months ... I started doing this because of my cholesterol which is high and which I was trying to get under control. As long as they are drawing blood, it makes sense to get a CBC and/or CMP done which are cheap panels but which cover a lot of stuff.
mranak said:
After getting my liver enzymes in April, I have good reason to be. I was doing heavy damage to my liver and I wouldn't have had a clue if not for the bloodwork.

what were you taking that caused this heavy damage??

i think now i'm paranoid, off to get some bloodwork done!!
conan the barbarian said:
what were you taking that caused this heavy damage??

i think now i'm paranoid, off to get some bloodwork done!!
I was taking too much stuff to determine what were the cause(s). However, I was NOT taking ANY oral AAS. Just 500-600mg/week test enan and 500-600mg/week of tren enan.
mranak said:
I was taking too much stuff to determine what were the cause(s). However, I was NOT taking ANY oral AAS. Just 500-600mg/week test enan and 500-600mg/week of tren enan.
Were you still on accutane then? That stuff is HARD on the liver.
DocJ said:
Were you still on accutane then? That stuff is HARD on the liver.
No. I used Accutane last year, however. I think my liver enzymes were okay then if I recall correctly.