filter paper as good as syring filters?


Knows whats up
is the filter paper used for filter flasks just as good as running something through a whatman? Im gonna be filtering more than i can do with a whatman without my hand falling off lol... is there special filter paper to buy or?... thanks...
also, ive been told the aspirator is alot better than the vacume pump... anyone have comments on the vacume pump? LMK...
Can you give me a link to what you are talking about?

I will say this, I am imagining some kind of coffee filter thingy, and if that's the case, I cannot imagine how that would be comparable. One of the reasons you have to force the solution through is that the pores are so small it won't let most bacteria through, which is the whole point of the filtering.
NM... figured it out... the filter paper that was being offered was size 6 compared to a reg syringe filter of size .45.... way too big... i figured out a much better alternative.... thanks anyway...
panteracfh said:
NM... figured it out... the filter paper that was being offered was size 6 compared to a reg syringe filter of size .45.... way too big... i figured out a much better alternative.... thanks anyway...

And what's the alternative?
DougoeFre5h said:
Interested too, im assuming ur refering to the "new grip" u mentioned to me?

If it involves a cat and some leather chaps, I think I'll pass... :)

(Damn, I miss pullinbig!)
I have some STERILE vacuum filter units. They are .45
They will filter 250 ml's in about 1 minute. They are single use disposable. $20 each.

If you have a lot of liquid to filter, these will save your thumbs.

You need to get a hand vacuum pump to operate these. You can buy one at most auto parts stores, for around $30. They are sold as brake bleeder vacuum pumps.
I bought one at Autozone for $29.99.
i was going to go with a filter flask with a buchner (sp?) funnel and filter paper... but could not find .22 filter paper... im going to use those bottle top filters MR.T is refering to, but .20 not .45 along with a filter flask and either an aspirator connected to the water line for a vacuum or a hand vacuum pump...